The life of Moonjung, the main character of Greenhouse, is not happy. She suffers from a psychological disorder, her young son is locked up in a juvenile detention center, and since she has no home, she lives in a greenhouse. She sometimes sees a man, but she’s not sure if she really loves him. However, since she is nice and sincere, she works as a caregiver for an elderly couple and gets by in harsh conditions until a tragic event happens. After the incident, her life falls into a whirlwind, and the narrative speeds into confusion. Using the genre conventions cleverly in every major part, the fate of Moonjung, who has fallen into the trap of tragedy, unfolds as a skillful thriller of pain.
与你想象中的人发生X关系,而不是你的男朋友或丈夫。 这是一段通过与不同的人发生X关系而走向成熟的故事。
某教会女子高中,清纯美丽的女孩言珠(张京雅 饰)、尹素伊(孙银书 饰)、李幼珍(吴妍瑞 饰)、金恩英(宋敏静 饰)是同一年级不同班的好友,其中言珠与素伊更是亲密无间的死党。某晚,四个女孩许下“不能同生、但愿同死”的誓言,相约自杀。然而,最终只有言珠一人从生活关的顶楼跳下来。 事后,素伊她们相约保守秘密,既为了远离麻烦,也是为了避免因自杀失败而被同学嘲笑和鄙视。只是世上岂有不透风的墙?很快,她们曾和言珠相约自杀的消息便在同学中流传开来。另一方面,冥冥中似乎有个黑暗的魅影时刻逡巡在她们的身边。誓言岂可轻易许下?又怎能随便违背?