原美国特种兵杰克•坎贝尔(Max Martini 饰)因殴打残酷暴虐的上司而被逐出兵营,落寞的他回到家乡,却发现弟弟乔伊(Brandon Quinn 饰)被人打成重伤,昏迷不醒。乔伊的妻子莎拉(Erin Cottrell 饰)怀有身孕,为了让妻儿生活幸福,他拼命打工赚钱,结果因赌博欠下巨额赌债,为此不得不在黑市拳组织者波普(Nick Chinlund 饰)的安排下参加黑市拳比赛,导致身受重伤。 杰克发誓为弟弟报仇,四处寻找凶手,其高超身手被波普相中。在这个狡猾的组织者的策划下,杰克步入黑市拳赛场,一步步向拳场的王者艾赛亚•格里芬(Sidney S. Liufau 饰)发起挑战……
American Charlotte Dobler is a master chocolatier in Vienna, she having taken over historic Dobler Chocolates from her now deceased grandmother. She is facing an eviction of sorts from that historic site in a buyout from Danube Developments who has a redevelopment project under works. Charlotte is the only property owner holdout in not selling in honor of that history. In an appeal to city hall, Charlotte can't prove her stance that it is eligible to be designated a protected historical landmark, i.e. a building at least one hundred years old, as she only has the stories told to her by her grandmother, with records of such seemingly all destroyed during the war. Danube's assertion is that the site was probably redeveloped postwar. Charlotte's fallback is preparing for the annual Vienna Chocolatier of the Year competition, she one of the three finalists. She figures winning such would bring profile to her and the shop, Danube who would not dare to be seen as the bad guy in placing pressure on the winner to vacate against her will. In a worse case scenario, Charlotte believes she may have to move back to the States and revert back to her former law career. Through this process, she meets Henry Broadbent, the new CEO of what was his father's development business, Eurostar, and a philanthropist. As a bond forms between the two, Henry learns that the company placing pressure on her to sell is Danube. The issue is that Henry's father, Gordon Broadbent, in one of his last acts as Eurostar CEO, acquired Danube specifically because of this redevelopment on the Dobler site. Henry has to decide what to do as Eurostar CEO while wanting to continue that burgeoning romantic relationship with Charlotte.
小老鼠雷米在嗅觉方面有着无与伦比的天赋,不想过与垃圾堆为伴的生活,心怀成为五星大厨的梦想。 一个偶然的机会,他认识了古斯特餐厅的学徒林奎尼,这个倒霉的学徒生性害羞,在厨艺上更是没有什么天赋,并且遭到餐厅大厨的排挤,即将被解雇。这一人一鼠结成了奇特的联盟:雷米奉献自己极富创造力的大脑。操作林奎尼前台“表演”。 在雷米的帮助下,林奎尼不但成为新的“天才厨师”,获得了美女同事的爱情,还挫败了大厨的阴谋,成为古斯特餐厅的合法继承人。突如起来的成功让林奎尼有些不知所措,想摆脱自己的傀儡身份,把雷米赶出了厨房。 古斯特餐厅的成功,引起了苛刻的美食评论家科隆的注意,准备一尝林奎尼的手艺,重新为餐厅评定星级;而不甘失败的前大厨,蠢蠢欲动,想要找到林奎尼一夜成名的秘密。失去了雷米,林奎尼该如何面对这些问题……
因为生活在海边,十岁的小男孩斯考特从小就对冲浪感兴趣。他的父亲是一名警察,但自从他在一次车祸中死去后,斯考特和二十几岁的哥哥兰迪就一直和妈妈生活在一起。兰迪觉得自己是家里唯一的支柱,积极地照顾着妈妈和弟弟。在一次冲浪练习中,斯考特偶然遇到了著名的冲浪运动员吉姆,一老一小成为了忘年交,每天吉姆都会教这个小男孩学习冲浪。吉姆曾是红极一时的冲浪运动员,但就在两年前,他神秘的消失了。很少有人知道这里面真正的原因。但这个秘密,吉姆却对斯考特说了出来。原来,两年前,吉姆的妻子和女儿在车祸中丧生,他一直走不出这个阴影,妄想在漫漫的旅途中能够忘记伤痛。 看到弟弟每天和吉姆混在一起,兰迪十分生气,因为他并不喜欢这个男人,尤其是发现妈妈对吉姆也有好感之后,他更是难以接受。他心里一直认为,作为家里唯一的顶梁柱,他要避免让家人受到伤害。但是经过长时间的接触,兰迪对他的看法渐渐有所改观。兰迪的好友威利在父亲的逼迫下不得不参军,这将意味着他将离开他热爱的冲浪运动。为了能让好朋友开心地离去,兰迪等人决定陪威利去墨西哥最棒的海湾,进行最后一次的冲浪活动。但天公不作美,兰迪的汽车在此时发生了故障,墨西哥之行面临着被取消的危险。还好有吉姆不辞辛苦的帮忙,几人才顺利地去成了墨西哥。 在一次冲浪时,斯考特鲁莽而危险的举动激怒了吉姆,并勾起了他对妻子和女儿去世一事的阴影。整整两个月,吉姆都不见踪影。兰迪十分愤怒,认为吉姆又不负责任地离开了。但了解了吉姆的经历后,兰迪彻底的原谅了他。而妈妈于吉姆也因为彼此爱慕喜结连理,一个幸福的家庭又产生了。
A celebration of music and rallying cry across generations, genres, anchored by female icons whose songs and activism inspired the fight for equality, empowering all.