Maryellen discovers that the best gift is thinking of others first and is determined to make the holiday special for those who need it most.
Troubled by bouts of sleepwalking and disturbing nightmares, graduate student Sarah Foster goes to her university sleep research center for help. But when she wakes up after her first night of being monitored, the world she lives in seems to have changed in subtle, Twilight-Zone-esque ways.
年轻女子伊丽莎白·本顿(梅勒妮·帕帕拉 Melanie Papalia 饰)正就网络聊天软件the DEN申请课题和资金展开人类行为学研究,她尝试和世界各地的网友聊天,希望能调查他们的上网习惯和兴趣。虚拟的网络让人们有了释放自我和欲望的空间,而摄像头又满足了他们宣泄与窥视的欲望。浏览网络,世界各地的人们尽情展示着他们诙谐、丑陋、罪恶的一面。这一天,伊丽莎白偶然和一个静止头像的女孩聊天,随后竟目击了对方被残忍杀害的一幕。受到惊吓的伊丽莎白连忙报警,但警方不置可否,她的男友达米安(David Schlachtenhaufen 饰)也认为视频系伪造而成。直到某天,达米安突然消失,而她的朋友也都被卷入一连串的恐怖事件中。 网络让恶之花迎风怒放……
梅尔·吉布森之子米洛·吉布森主演新片《黑帮之地》(Gangster Land)首曝剧照,米洛饰演的黑帮教父阿尔·卡彭持枪亮相。Timothy Woodward Jr.(《希科克》《美国暴力》)执导,设定在1920年代的芝加哥,将通过卡彭的二把手"Machine Gun" Jack McGurn的视角,来展现卡彭领导的芝加哥黑帮的崛起。McGurn曾经是一名业余拳击手,后因继父被谋杀,被引诱加盟了这个黑手党组织,很快打出一片天地,参与谋划了1929年的“情人节大屠杀”,将疯子莫兰领导的爱尔兰帮的多名成员残忍枪杀。 肖恩·法瑞斯、杰森·帕特里克、吉米·林·辛格勒、彼得·费辛利等参演,北美将于12月上映,Cinedigm负责发行。
Specialists gather in a top-secret facility to investigate a series of strange deaths on beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. One of the team's scientists (Nana Gouvea) examines video evidence to uncover a possible parasitic explanation for the fatalities. But when a determined detective (Tom Sizemore) sends her the crazed writings of a mysterious homeless man (Jonny Beauchamp), the scientist slowly learns that the actual threat may be more dangerous -- and far older -- than anyone ever imagined. Can she convince her colleagues (led by Eric Roberts) of the true danger before an ancient force rises from the sea to bring madness and death to all of humanity?
When Maggie Marks faces a tough career decision, she flees to Europe for some soul searching and sightseeing with a friend. There she encounters a handsome European playboy prince, and lands herself in a world she has never known where she finds a new direction in life, while teaching him to be a better prince along the way.
A man, who years earlier mysteriously abandoned his family and isolated himself in a small northern town, returns for one last chance to reconnect with his troubled daughter. When she goes missing, he risks everything to find her, including exposing the fact that he is becoming invisible.
Filmed live on stage at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood, CA, this not-to-be-missed high energy show stars Original Broadway cast members Jeremy Jordan as "Jack Kelly," Kara Lindsay as "Katherine," Ben Fankhauser as "Davey" and Andrew Keenan-Bolger as "Crutchie". They're joined by North American Tour stars Steve Blanchard as "Joseph Pulitzer," and Aisha de Haas as "Medda Larkin," and Ethan Steiner as "Les" along with members of both the Broadway and North American Tour ensembles, filling the stage with more "newsies" and more dancing than ever before. Set in New York City at the turn of the century and based on a true story, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a ragged band of teenaged 'newsies,' who dreams only of a better life far from the hardship of the streets. But when publishing titans Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst raise distribution prices at the newsboys' expense, Jack finds a cause to fight for and rallies newsies from across the city to strike and take a stand for what's right.
达瑞斯(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)曾是一名令业内人士闻风丧胆的超级杀手,如今已经缉拿归案的他屈居在铁窗之后,等待着漫长的刑期到头。达瑞斯的妻子索尼娅(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)同样身陷囹圄,某日,达瑞斯得到了一个意外的机会,能 够令索尼娅重获自由,作为交换,他必须出庭作证证明邪恶的罪犯弗拉迪斯拉夫(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)有罪。 作为护送达瑞斯出庭的负责人,艾米莉亚(艾洛蒂·袁 Elodie Yung 饰)和她的团队遭到了弗拉迪斯拉夫所派出的佣兵的伏击,全军覆没,幸存的艾米莉亚无奈之下只能找到私人保镖兼前男友迈克尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰),委托他贴身保护达瑞斯。
本片根据曾于1977年至1981年间担任美国中央情报局局长的斯坦菲尔德·特纳的小说《高度机密:总统、中情局局长和特工》改编而成。 Osbourne(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是CIA的资深分析员,因酗酒问题被开除。沮丧的Osbourne回到家中又不被老婆重视。他妻子Katie(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)是个冷冰冰的职业医生,与财政部的Harry(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)偷情,在船上共度春光。Osbourne赌咒写一本自传来透露CIA的高极机密,却被一心想跟自己离婚的Katie错拿去记录调查自己的财政报告,后又不慎落在了健身房。被傻里傻气的健身房女员工Linda(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 饰)和稍有点二百五的健身教练Chad(布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)拾得,这下一直为整容手术费用发愁的Linda有了主意,决定去敲诈。这一群人的命运就因为这张光盘而发生了变化。
暗夜下的高谭市,迎来新一年的万圣节。偏偏就在这样一个宁静的夜晚,银嗓女妖(Kari Wuhrer 配音)救出所罗门格兰迪,在闹市区繁华街道引发混乱,危机时刻蝙蝠侠(Roger Craig Smith 配音)、绿箭侠(Chris Diamantopoulos 配音)等正义战士出现,暂时化解危机。在此之后,稻草人、泥面人随同前面两个恶棍接连登场,而他们的幕后指使正是诡计多端、邪恶狡猾的小丑(Troy Baker 饰)。此时此刻,小丑正策划邪恶的阴谋,他试图在高谭市传播一种能令人狂笑的电脑病毒,足以使这座城市陷入前所未有的混乱。 蝙蝠侠、绿箭侠以及生化人(Khary Payton 配音)、夜翼(Will Friedle 配音)还有红罗宾(Yuri Lowenthal 配音)出动迎战……
不久之前刚刚经历丧妻之痛的约翰·威克(基努·里维斯 Keanu Reeves 饰),未曾料到磨难与折磨接二连三袭来。他那辆1964年的福特老爷车被一伙俄罗斯小混混盯上,旋即引来对方入室抢劫,心爱的狗狗被当场杀死,约翰也遭到无情毒打,那辆老爷车自然被对方抢走。偷车的混混(阿尔菲·艾伦 Alfie Allen 饰)是黑帮大佬维格•塔拉索夫(迈克尔·恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist 饰)的儿子,而维格在听说这件事后显得紧张非常,因为约翰有着令人胆战心惊的身份。他曾是名震江湖的冷血杀手,当年替塔拉索夫杀掉不少难缠的对手,后来却为了妻子金盆洗手。 愤怒至极的约翰拒绝塔拉索夫的调解,他决定单枪匹马展开复仇……