《Six Triple Eight》讲述了一个鼓舞人心且不可思议的真实故事,主角为第一支也是唯一一支在二战期间驻扎海外的勇敢的有色人种女子军团。面对种族歧视和性别歧视、陌生的土地和饱受战争蹂躏的国家,她们坚持不懈,在短短三个月内分拣了超过1700万封邮件,让美国士兵与故乡的家人和亲人重新建立了联系。让这些女性每天坚持下去的座右铭是她们自己创造的:“没邮件,士气低。”第6888中央邮政目录营的女性们不仅仅是为邮件的投递提供便利,她们也在传递希望。 第6888中央邮政目录营的故事一直被排除在历史书籍之外,被整个国家所忽视 — 直到现在。2022年3月14日,乔·拜登总统签署了法案,授予这些女性国会的最高荣誉 — 国会金质奖章。
On the morning of September 11, 2001, Paul McCartney was in New York City on an airport runway waiting to fly to Britain. As he absorbed the news of the unfolding tragedy, he wondered, “What can I do?” The answer, of course, lay in music. McCartney reached out to master documentarian and long-time friend Albert Maysles, inviting Maysles to document his personal experiences on 16mm black and white film, a format seldom used in the digital age but of proven endurance and artistic quality. Over several weeks in October 2001, Maysles’ camera followed McCartney as he prepared for The Concert for New York City, a benefit he helped organize to uplift New York City during this period of uncertainty and vulnerability. The footage went unseen for years, requiring the passage of time to be put in perspective. Now, ten years later, Maysles, his directing partner Bradley Kaplan and editor Ian Markiewicz have emerged with an intimate work that explores the role of art and artists in a time of crisis.
When song-and-dance man Harry Van returns from World War I, he finds work hard to come by. His greatest success comes as straight man in a phony vaudeville mind-reading act with the tipsy Madame Zulieka. While on tour in Omaha he meets acrobat Irene Fellara, and they have a brief romance. Twenty years later while Harry is on tour in Europe with a troupe of leggy blonde dancers, his train is stopped at the Swiss border and he finds himself stranded in the Alps in anticipation of World War II hostilities. Harry and his chorines take refuge in an Alpine hotel with a group of disparate travelers who are also marooned there. Among them are an American pacifist, British newlyweds, a cancer researcher, a German munitions manufacturer, and a beautiful blonde expatriate Russian aristocrat who looks suspiciously like the Irene of two decades earlier.
A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an alliance between the giant ape and his mechanical arch-nemesis.
Siblings Kristy and Jeffrey are buying supplies at a remote desert gas station when some members of a biker gang come cruising in. The bikers recognize Kristy, who used to be the main squeeze of the gang’s leader before she ran away. The pair get away, but the bikers find out that they’re living in a nearby commune, and start making their battle plans to bring Kristy back
在大学教授法文的亨博特(James Mason 詹姆斯•梅森 饰)少年时期曾有一段刻骨铭心的经历,当年的初恋情人不幸夭亡,令他此去经年依旧对那些充满青春气息的少女有着别样情感。 因工作之需,亨博特寻找住房,因此结识了寡妇夏洛特(Shelley Winters谢利•温特斯 饰)及其妖精一般的女儿洛丽塔(Sue Lyon 休•莱昂 饰)。夏洛特迷上了这位儒雅庄重的大学教师,一心与之交往;而亨博特却迷恋上了青春逼人的洛丽塔,为了和这个精灵长相厮守,甚至违心与夏洛特结婚。他将对洛丽塔的情感全部写进日记,锁入抽屉。直到某天夏洛特打开了潘多拉宝盒,他们的命运从此改变…… 本片根据作家纳博科夫同名小说改编。
丹尼是个冷漠的美国摄影师,而克丽丝来自东欧,这个脆弱的女人经常会突然陷入情绪低落,表现出古怪行为。他们两人完全无法进行语言交流,丹尼只会说英语,克丽丝只能说法语。性是他们唯一的交流手段。他们为相互之间所激发的强烈性欲而难分难舍,特别是克丽丝,总是极端饥渴,几乎疯狂地追求性爱。或许只有用性才能使他们每天都几近崩溃的关系得到愈合,他们总是为鸡毛蒜皮的小事发生争吵,而在这时候他们就会为语言不通而备受折磨。 为了创作,丹尼带着克丽丝从洛杉矶前往29片棕榈叶小镇和约舒亚国家森林公园,开着车一路寻找最合适的创作地点。他们在车上过了四天四夜,在荒芜的庞大沙漠中失去了方向,通过不断的做爱、吵架、亲吻、闲聊等生活琐碎来消磨时间,直到某件恐怖、病态的意外结束了这一切。
凯莉(安娜·妮可·史密斯 Anna Nicole Smith 饰)是一名商用直升机驾驶员,她与丈夫高登警探感情甚笃。两人各自拥有独立的职业,过着幸福的生活。然而,一天,凯莉接到了一个任务,需要负责接送一位神秘的异国客人前往洛杉矶的一座大楼。但事情并不像她所预期的那样平稳,因为这位神秘客人竟然是非洲来的恐怖组织领袖。 恐怖分子使用高科技手段控制了大楼,挟持了人质,采取了极端残暴的手段。凯莉很快意识到情况的严重性,她自身也受到了威胁,身陷危机之中。高登(理查德·斯特恩梅茨 Richard Steinmetz 饰)是一名警探,作为人民的守护者,他当然不会坐视不理。他决定挺身而出,与恐怖分子进行激烈的对抗,试图解救被挟持的人质,包括他深爱的妻子凯莉。然而,这次任务非常艰难,因为恐怖分子拥有高科技设备和极其危险的手段。
Billed as an allegory about America’s fractured politics and culture, the film follows Simon, an up-and-coming commentator whose world is turned upside down when his best friend and debate opponent suffers a fatal heart attack. Simon refuses to leave the spotlight at an annual thought-leader summit, leading to an obsession with his new opponent and a growing rift with his ailing wife, Claire.
Calvin Carter, a successful business executive, has it all, but neglects those closest to him. On Christmas Eve, all that changes when the sign on his office building falls on him. He awakes in a hospital bed, attended to by Angie, a nurse who soon lets him know he has 12 days (12 chances) to get his act together and achieve the "perfect" Christmas Eve. If he doesn't, there will be dire consequences.
历经严酷考验,阿伦戴尔王国终于回归往日平静。艾莎女王(伊迪娜·门泽尔 Idina Menzel 配音)、安娜公主(克里斯汀·贝尔 Kristen Bell 配音)以及他们的好友雪宝(乔什·加德 Josh Gad 配音)、克里斯托弗(乔纳森·格罗夫 Jonathan Groff 配音)、驯鹿斯文过着平静安逸的生活。可是最近一段时间,艾莎总会被一段神秘的吟唱所困扰,为了追寻真相,她义无反顾踏上了征途。担心姐姐的安全,安娜和雪宝、克里斯托弗他们紧紧跟随。在那座常年被浓雾所笼罩的森林里,不仅藏着神秘的自然力量,更隐藏着关于阿伦戴尔王国、艾莎的魔法来源以及两位公主父母丧生等一系列的秘密。 艾莎开启了一段寻找自我的旅程……