1960年代的泰國小鎮,冷戰的緊張氣氛蔓生,在軍政府獨裁統治下,不同政治立場的人們只能另闢蹊徑。家中經營鐘錶店的小梅,同時受到兩位性格南轅北轍的男性青睞,一位是善良但懦弱的人力車伕,另一位則是神采飛揚的軍官。半世紀後,車水馬龍的曼谷,當年倜儻的軍官成了臥病在床的昏庸將軍,小梅因無情的生命境遇歷盡滄桑。回望那段似水年華的時光,人生一切歡快、遺憾、憂傷與恐懼交織,眼前的場景卻未曾走出命運的輪迴。 導演揉合泰國著名作家查勾吉蒂的小說〈時間〉,以及自身家族經歷,將光陰解剖切片,以影像穿越時間,呈現女性角色面對時代環境的心境轉變。牆上未曾止歇的指針齒輪,滴答滴答地道出時光流轉,揭露政治的醜態、現實的殘酷,探討生命的本質,以及存在的意義。
女孩Pim(奥密兹•苏查拉特 Aomiz Suchar 饰)因与前男友分手要求换宿舍,于是她和新来的学妹Kim(蒂娜·吉塔勒拉 Tina Jittaleela 饰)成了同居舍友。起初,Pim以为Kim是走错屋的小正太,直到对方袒露胸襟,她才赫然发现 其实是同类。第 一印象如此之差,让Pim怀疑其拉拉倾向严重,索性在宿舍中画定了三八线。尽管Kim百般讨好,但是Pim还是觉得她弹吉他、玩电玩很烦人。倒是Pim的闺蜜对Kim仰慕已久,大献殷勤。直到Pim随Kim回了家,夜晚听她弹吉他,两人才慢慢地敞开了心扉。Pim喜欢上了Kim做的菜。慢慢地,两人形影不离的关系,引起了Pim朋友们的嫉妒。甚至连熟识的哥哥也以男友自居,让她很受伤。在经历了多次波折之后,Pim赫然发现,原来当彼此的心心相印时,并不存在不能逾越的界限……
kim(蒂娜•吉塔勒拉 Tina Jittaleela 饰)和pie(奥密兹•苏查拉特 Aomiz Suchar 饰)跨越了同性恋爱禁忌后,成为了伴侣。一周年后,二人面临着分隔两地实习的境况。Kim去了自己喜欢的山区学习农业,认识了有着同样爱好农业的实习生Yam。Pie去了一直向往的海边学习渔业,被猥琐男热情求爱。距离和思念不断折磨着这对热恋中的情侣,电话成了二人最主要的沟通工具。分别的日子久了,距离的拉锯战让二人中渐生矛盾。Pie的霸道任性和Yam的温柔体贴之间的对比让Tina心境产生微妙的变化,而此时Tina误以为Pie忘记了自己的生日,实习的不顺利更是让她内心对Pie的愤懑情绪不断扩大,二人开始争吵不断,难得走到一起的这份感情因为异地恋面临巨大的挑战… 泰国首部女版同性题材爱情电影《yes or no-想爱就爱》剧组原班人马演绎的续集《yes or no2-爱的选择》。
Six Characters is possibly the most highly anticipated Thai film this year, not least of all for its star-studded cast. On a shooting set filled with tension, a nervous director (Mario Maurer) tries to shoot a horror movie. The willful cast of actors is no help. Meanwhile, six strangers suddenly appear who tell their story, explaining that they are the characters of the script left by a dead screenwriter. The director laughs at the strangers at first but eventually begins to get carried away by the compelling family story they tell. Director M.L. Bhandevanov Devakula, who also visited Busan in 2011 with Eternity, is a director who is talented depicting eroticism with intense emotions as well as adaptation as in the Jan Dara series. Six Characters, an adaptation of Italian playwriter Luigi Pirandello′s Six Characters in Search of an Author, spotlights the director’s strengths and vision.
Mix,一位才华横溢的著名年轻建筑师,他有个从小就认识的同事 Teng,而他硬是偷了自己的作品,直到自己受不了,在公司横冲直撞顶撞领导,于是被迫辞职了。Mix尝试申请许多工作,但是没有地方接受,因为Teng到处都在宣布他的好事,要把他从这个行业中除名。Somnuek为员工组织短期旅行,但Mix因为工作还未完成一年就不能去。Somnuek随后将重要工作委托给Mix,即在Somnuek不在的期间照顾他的乌龟Namchok,并在他不在期间和实习生Bell见面。Mix 想出了一个有趣的主意来举办一场孤独的派对,同时还有一个游戏,就是邀请最多人参加派对的人获胜!出席聚会的客人都是他们素不相识的人。所以动荡开始了~ 那天晚上,办公室准备带去比赛的模型不见了,而招财龟也不见了。 去哪儿l?谁偷了它?为什么要偷它?
At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.
Three X drag Queens put all their savings into buying an apartment block as an investment. But the business venture turns into a disaster when a dead body is found is in the building. The haunting from the mad ghost leaves all the residents terrified, and they understandably want to leave. The threesome have to find the way to persuade their residents not to leave, to save the day, and their money!
After settling down together and only being separated in death during the Ayutthaya era (1351-1767 CE), Dej and Karaket are reborn in the early Rattanakosin period (1782-1855 CE). But there is only one of them who still believes in ‘destiny’. Bhop, a chief engineer with the sweetest smile in Siam, has been seeing the same lady in his dreams for many years. He believes wholeheartedly that she is his destined soulmate. When Bhop meets Gaysorn who looks exactly like the girl in his dreams, Bhop follows her around, trying to win her heart. However, Gaysorn has a progressive attitude and does not believe in destiny. Gaysorn clearly expresses that she dislikes Bhop, but she is interested in Mathus, a Thai-Western man who uses strange slang when speaking, which happens to match the messages in an old journal of Lady Karaket. Did Mathus travel back in time from the future like Lady Karaket?! Their relationships have not been figured out, yet when Bhop, Gaysorn, and Mathus get caught up in a chaotic historical event, things get out of hand and could lead to a war that will change history forever. Where will destiny lead them?
30岁的阿翁(桑尼·苏瓦美塔农 Sunny Suwanmethanont 饰)是一名修图师,非常敬业的他几乎将所有的精力都投入到了工作之中,因为过度疲劳导致抵抗力下降,阿翁患上了皮肤病。无奈之下,阿翁只得来到皮肤科就诊,在这里,阿翁邂逅了名为阿燕(黛薇卡·霍内 Davi ka Hoorne 饰)的女医生。 温柔美丽的阿燕很快就吸引了阿翁的注意,令这个单纯的男孩迅速坠入情网之中。在阿燕的要求下,阿翁积极治疗,推掉了大部分工作,学习如何自我放松。虽然阿翁的健康渐渐的恢复了,但他也因此失去了再见到阿燕的机会。更糟的是,阿翁在工作上的懈怠令他失业了。为了发泄内心里的失落,阿翁决定重新做回工作狂。
同在一个游泳队的阿丹(Thanapob Leeratanakajorn饰)和柏(朱塔吾·帕塔拉刚普 Chutavuth Pattarakampol 饰)是一对好朋友,他们共同竞争大学的名额,不过名额只给冠军,因此游泳技术更高一筹的阿丹有很大的机会。阿丹有一个漂亮的女友阿爱(Kao Supassra Thanachat 饰),柏虽然对她颇有好感,但迫于朋友情分始终无法坦然面对。某个夜晚,阿爱从高高的跳台上落下自杀,致令阿丹遭受极大的打击,进而疏忽了泳队的训练。虽然失去了最强的对手,可是柏并不为此感到开心,之后他从阿丹口中得知,阿爱自杀是因为怀上了某个人的孩子。 阿爱的葬礼过后,柏隐隐发现,那个怀有巨大怨念的女孩就在自己身边……