一个年轻人有一种罕见的礼物,可以识别他听到的每一个声音。在一艘法国核潜艇上,一切都依赖于他,金耳朵。 看上去绝对可靠,他犯了一个错误,让船员处于死亡的危险之中。他希望重新获得同志的信任,但他的追求会让他们陷入更加戏剧化的境地。 在核威慑和错误信息的世界中,他们发现自己被困在一个无法控制的装备中。
Documentary on the journey of eight teams taking part in the world's most challenging Tour de France bike race.
Russian hints that the country could hand over America's most wanted whistle blower as a favor to Donald Trump place Edward Snowden in even greater danger than before. A secret meeting between global freedom and civil rights campaigners Snowden, Birgitta Jonsdottir and Larry Lessig turns into a freewheeling discussion about the future of democracy. Birgitta Jonsdottir has been a member of Iceland's parliament since 2009. All her actions have been aimed at giving the people back their voice and opening up the parliamentary process and political decision-making. Larry Lessig is a Harvard law professor. He tirelessly denounces the influence of money in US politics and the way establishment elites collude to support each other against the public interest. The three activists agreed to be filmed during an extraordinary conversation about their ongoing struggles, the last bastions of democracy and the opportunities and choices still left to us. The questions they ask are fundamental. Can democracy be saved? What unites us? How can you tell when democracy has failed?
The Search for a lost film from the 70s takes a young man from one of South America's largest indigenous communities on an existential journey in a post-colonial film about the right to one's own image. In the 1970s, Oscar-winning French documentary filmmaker Pierre-Dominique Gaisseau moved with his family to Panama to make a film about the Kuna community, one of South America’s largest indigenous peoples. He promised them that they would see it, but for various reasons, production stalled and the film (with the working title ‘God is a Woman’) was never completed. But what happened to the unfinished film reels? That’s what young Arysteides Turpana, on the mandate of the Kuna elders, sets out to find out. His journey takes him to France, but gaining access to the dusty film reels is not easy. Following in his footsteps is Swiss-Panamanian director Andrés Peyrot, who has created one of the year’s biggest festival successes since its premiere at the Venice Film Festival. A film that manages to turn abstract questions about the right to own one’s own image and narrative into a relevant and existential necessity.
一位孤独的计算机程序员在三名少女对他开了一个残忍的玩笑后,对她们进行了严厉的报复。虽然这不是有史以来最好的电影,但这部电影却蕴含着超越时代的智慧。影片巧妙而有争议地将恶作剧从女孩们的无情恶作剧转变为受害者的极端报复。影片明确地将最初的恶作剧标记为错误,但在主角的报复过程中,我们观众希望看到三个女孩中至少有两个活下来。凯莉显然是始作俑者,甚至在被囚禁期间表现出不同寻常的傲慢。她在影片结尾的命运令人惊讶,但也许是恰当的。另一个值得注意的地方是,在一个场景中,复仇的绑架者约翰发表了一段简短的独白,其中的话语听起来像是出自 2014 年加州大学洛杉矶分校圣巴巴拉分校大屠杀的凶手埃利奥特·罗杰之口
Valentin is a criminal mastermind, but his exploits don't prove much in the way of satisfaction. Thus, he sets out on a one-man sailing trip around the world in a last attempt at finding meaning in his life. Meanwhile, in Morocco, a burned-out jazz singer named Jane is trying to forget a fizzled love affair. And so begins the journey of these two lost soles who are destined to cross paths.
金波(杰弗里·埃文·托马斯 Jeffrey Evan Thomas 配音)是一个拥有神奇能力的少年,年岁渐长的他始终相信,他并不是独自一人,在这个世界上一定存在着许多和他相同的人,他想将这些人聚集在一起,将他们的能力用在对社会有益的方面。没过多久,5个和金波一样的神奇少年浮出了水面,在感到高兴之余,金波也发现,这些少年多多少少都曾因为他们的特异功能而受到排挤和欺辱。 不久,悲剧发生了,某个暴力团伙袭击了这些少年,愤怒和恐惧打碎了少年们的理智,他们决定用他们的能力向带给他们伤害的这个世界进行报复。摆在金波面前的有两条路,一条是和少年们一起进行报复行动,另一条是站在少年们的对立面,保护世界的和平。面对这艰难的选择,金波动摇了。
The story follows in the wake of Carole whose world falls down around her when she finds herself fighting the ultimate battle: namely, saving the life of her son Martin, who has witnessed the abuses committed by powerful palm oil companies in Borneo and who has been wrongfully sentenced to death following a rigged trial.
黑暗中,一个身着风衣的神秘男人在通道中穿行。他就是莫里斯(塞吉·赫吉安尼Serge Reggiani饰),一个刚刚出狱却仍依靠偷窃为生的盗贼。为了清算以前的旧债,他准备跟他的朋友西里安(让-保罗·贝尔蒙多 Jean Paul Belmondo饰)再干一桩偷窃案。不料行事时警察却突然而至,莫里斯再次入狱。不明就里的莫里斯认定西里安是警察的眼线,开始寻机报复。而西里安并非警方的线人,真正的卧底另有其人。与此同时,西里安也正开始实施自己的大胆计划。 由世界影坛最负盛名的黑色电影大师让-皮埃尔·梅尔维尔执导的经典犯罪悬疑电影《眼线》,根据1946年出版的小说《犯罪系列》改编而成。