二战末期,德国军人科利基文斯(米高·文度 Michael Mendl)在战争中沦为战俘,被处以25年的刑期,而此时他怀孕的妻子和女儿则完全没有他的消息,只能求神保佑他还能活着回来。经过漫长的跋涉,一行战俘被送到了一个劳改场,那里没有围墙也没有栅栏,然而极度的严寒和千里冰原则成了难以逾越的屏障。这里位于西伯利亚东部,初到之时,由于天气和疾病,很多人都不幸死去,然而非人的矿工生活,才是真正的炼狱。科利基文斯从来没有忘记远方的亲人,一次失败的逃亡让他饱受看守的虐待,然而这却更加坚定了他要逃出这里的决心。后来在年迈的医生的帮助下,科利基文斯才得以逃离劳改场,从此获得回家的希望。可是在他面前的,将是长达14000公里的“死亡之地”,在被积雪覆盖的千里冰原,科利孤身一开始了漫长的回家之路…… 本片曾获多项国际大奖,其情节源自一个真实的逃亡故事。
第二次世界大战期间,在一个用高墙围起来的犹太区的废弃大工厂里,里面的犹太人诚惶诚恐的生活和工作着,而且人数越来越少,因为纳粹时不时的就会进来把一些人带走,先是妇女儿童,再是老人,后来就要全部带走了,他们的下场可想而知。在一次清剿中,一位父亲想让他的父亲和儿子逃命,就准备和纳粹拼命,可是由于有人告密,失败了,这时那位祖父为了让孙子活命,义无反顾的占了出来,他的小孙子暂时躲过了灾难,躲了起来,那位祖父留下的就只有大街上的一顶帽子了。 那个小男孩坚信他的父亲会回来找他,他坚守在那个废弃的工厂里,陪伴他的只有一支小白鼠。人到了生存的极限就会爆发出不可想象的能力和智慧。我看片时,一直为那个小男孩揪着心,没有吃的,没有水,还要躲避纳粹和剩余侥幸躲起来的犹太人为生存而动的杀机。可是他挺过来了,甚至像鲁宾逊一样,有了一个自己的“树屋”,在那个高高的角落里,他透过一个小小的窗棂,一个望远镜里观察着外面“祥和”的世界……
That day is seared into the memory of every human being on the planet: the day the world changed. First came the attack on the Philippines. Within days they spread, as though appearing out of nowhere, striking out at more islands, forging a foothold in the South Pacific. Then came the first attack on U.S. soil - Los Angeles - and the reality became clear: our world was at war once again, but this time with an enemy from beyond our galaxy. Now, months later, the fate of the world hangs in the balance as a mission to strike at a key enemy installation deep in enemy territory goes terribly wrong, and the Marines of the 15th Expeditionary Unit are scattered across the island of New Britain, leaderless, and facing impossible odds. Pacific Theater is the story of those Marines: fresh recruits who journey from their homes across the Pacific to the front lines. It is the story of John Blake, a charming Californian surfer who must find the strength to become a leader, Tracey Gleeson, a physics...
青年阿利安非法入境欧洲,在边境遭到警方缉捕,同伴都惨遭射杀,被子弹射中的他,竟意外活了下来。当他被送进难民营治疗,史登医生发现他拥有腾空漂浮的超能力,于是一边助他逃离营区,一边意图利用他的超能力,大发一笔横财…。 史登医生曾因手术失误,专业与人生陷入重创,遭逢瓶颈的他亟欲逆转一切,竟发现阿利安是他唯一的救赎。阿利安能帮富豪治癒绝症,为他赚进大把钞票;他能让天旋地转,替他惩罚势利的人们;他更出手帮助病重的人,助他们完美离开人世…。 阿利安究竟是天使,还是恶魔?为掩盖边境射杀实情,警方对阿利安展开全面追缉,意图追杀灭口。史登医生带着阿利安四处逃亡,却在过程中受到他的启发,决定迎接生命的奇蹟与改变,在险恶世界中展开一场冒险…。
Sometime in the near future, paraplegic prison inmate Matt Mills meets "The Board" of Satoshi-Telefair Industries, who thank him for joining the Program. Under pressure and with a promise to make him walk again, Mills agrees to volunteer. He is injected with a synthetic nanomaterial and suffocated, only to wake up with restored use of his legs, yet alone in a steel cell in the first spoke of an experimental apparatus - The Wheel. A series of assailants inflict a multitude of damage to Mills' body and torment his mind, yet the synthetic nanomaterial not only restores his damaged organs, it re-engineers his strength. The experiment might be designed to kill, but Mills is determined to survive - and get back to his daughter before The Board finds her first.