珠万与珍妮有染,并将妻子顺静赶出家门。顺静被迫住在一个空房子里,在那里她遇到了小偷道植。 顺静被道植恶作剧,并反过来辱骂他。道植逐渐爱上了顺静,顺静与道植绑架了珠曼和珍妮瑛......
In this action-packed thriller from a producer of Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, Caity Lotz (DC's Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash) and Leo Howard (Kickin' It, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra) star as siblings Charlie and Jack, who are trapped in Myanmar's toughest prison and accused of a crime they didn't commit. Forced into televised fights where inmates battle for the chance to escape death row, they face off against the deadliest opponents where each match could be their last. Charlie and Jack must work together, their bond tested in a high-stakes game where only the strongest can win their way out.
George Tracy and Charlie Sorel, both thirty-six years of age, are writers - a Paris novelist and Hollywood screenwriter, respectively - best friends, and partners in crime in skirt chasing. Charlie is shot dead aboard a yacht during a party by filmmaker Sir Leopold Sartori after he catches Charlie fooling around with his wife, Rusty, Charlie's body which falls overboard and which is not found. Sartori's act is despite he being a notorious womanizer himself. Charlie's sparsely attended funeral service, at which George provides the eulogy, demonstrates how Charlie's womanizing ways negatively affected his so called friendships. Staying at Charlie's Malibu beach house, George meets a beautiful young woman who seems to be suffering from amnesia, but is drawn to Charlie's house. George initially believes she is one of Charlie's conquests, but she eventually comes to the realization and is able to convince George that she is Charlie reincarnated. George ultimately believes it is God's divine retribution for Charlie to come back as an object of his own derision. But together and individually, George and Charlie have to devise a way for Charlie to live in this new female body, George who has no money to support Charlie, and Charlie's estate which is bankrupt. In addition, Charlie, who has always been a player, figures that she should be able to capitalize on her new womanhood, which includes using knowledge of her former indiscretions as a man, and getting back at Sir Leo. But she may also be able to eke out a lucrative life as she becomes the object of affection of wealthy momma's boy, Bruce Minton III.
After spending all his life in a small village, Yuri, a naive twenty-something boy, runs away with Agostino, a kids’ entertainer living on the road in an RV. Yuri finds himself caught up in a vortex of love and dependence with Agostino. Their common dream is to go to Patagonia: a promise of freedom that turns into a mad frenzy of control and imprisonment.
伟大的三军队伍,是由军令如山、纪律严密和绝对服从训练而成的,尤其在战时他们有着出生入死地为国征战,为自己赢得英雄的头衔及荣誉的家族传统。伟大的飞行员波利上校性格如蛮牛,但他训练的队伍却是战争中表现最出色的部队。战争终于结束了,从西班牙战场回国的他和太太及二子二女前往南卡罗卅的军事基地任职,他对家庭的管理一如在军队般要求绝对服从,他的独断专政引起了孩子们的强烈不满。 波利与长子班的关系日益恶化,在一次篮球较量中,他以一球之差输给了儿子后勃然大怒,一向只准成功不准失败的他不得不承认自己老了。这次发火给整个家庭气氛增添了一丝阴影,但在母亲的说服下,班还是原谅了看似蛮不讲理的父亲。很快,班十八岁的生日到了。为了让儿子尽快成熟起来,波利不惜带他到酒吧,施以成人教育。甚至在班参加篮球赛时动辄就加以干扰训令,教唆儿子报复冲撞犯规的球员,最终导致班不得不离开好不容易才进入的篮球队。波利一副霸傲气的态度常使班深以为苦,时常想反抗,却没有勇气。 直到有天,父子二人之间的战争终于全面爆发。在家里女仆的恳求下,班违抗父亲的指令,擅自去救黑人好友图德,蛮牛波利知道后大发雷霆,还和妻子大吵一番。看不得母亲的受委屈的班用武力阻拦住了父亲,在家庭中的失败让波利这个战场上的长胜将军十分失落,离家出走。在母亲的要求下,班在街角找到烂醉如泥的父亲,听到他喃喃的呓语,儿子终于了解了父亲的一片苦心。父子二人重归于好,而波利也终于明白,家庭不是部队,应该给妻子和子女多一些的爱。 自从这件事发生后,波利开始重新学习如何去关心别人。就在一家人觉得生活无比幸福甜蜜时,波利的飞机发生故障,他因不愿在人多的市镇迫落而撑至跑道坠机死亡。父亲的死让班迅速地成长起来,他决心继承父亲的事业,做一名出色的飞行员。
Fifteen years after a summer romance, destiny comes calling for two star-crossed lovers. Zoe and Luke almost shared their first kiss at Camp Pine Lake, but they were interrupted, and their teenage romance ended. Now, Luke (Barry Watson) is a philanthropic entrepreneur who recently purchased his uncle’s Camp Pine Lake for sentimental reasons, only to find out the camp may get shut down for safety code violations. Zoe (Mia Kirshner) is the point person from a firm assigned to convince the new camp owner to sell his land. When Zoe arrives , she is stunned to learn that Luke is the new owner. Everything changes for Zoe when she realizes Luke isn’t interested in making a profit, but instead wants the camp to stay open. When she's cornered by her boss, Zoe agrees to use her friendship with Luke to their advantage. Will the two be able to overcome the deception to rekindle their old flame and save their childhood retreat at the same time?
The day Kelly-Anne has been waiting for has arrived. The trial begins for Ludovic Chevalier, accused of the brutal murder of three underage girls. Unlike most people, Kelly-Anne is fascinated by the man, she becomes obsessed with him and attends every single court hearing in the hope he’ll give her at least a fleeting glance. The border between reality and fantasy starts to blur, however, until Kelly-Anne ceases to be a mere passive observer. Pascal Plante once again expresses an interest in female subjectivity, nevertheless, this time he has come up with an arthouse thriller about the perilous attraction of evil. At the same time, the interplay between what we can and can’t see, and what is explicit and what is conjecture, develops into an almost physical viewing experience.