第一集:作为全职主妇,除了家务活没有别的事可做 丈夫是营业部所长,总是忙于工作,不理自己,但是有一天,丈夫的下属矢部跑腿来家里,看到矢部后一见钟情。第二天,趁丈夫不在的时候,露骨地诱惑了矢部...第二集:裕子在家总是邋里邋遢家务也不做 丈夫肯托后悔和她结婚。妻子又总是拒绝性生活,只能看色情杂志满足欲望的肯托下定决心要出轨,但又猥琐地用杂志来满足欲望。另一方面,裕子已经和中年男性一郎有了外遇,为了避免肯托的怀疑,一直在假装是个没出息的妻子。裕子瞒着肯托一大早就赶往一郎的家...
被譽為『連縐紋都識演戲』的Anita Linda,一個近鏡,便可看出每一個演戲細胞,躍躍跳動。歲月不撓人,Adela年輕時曾是廣播界的大紅人,老來獃在馬尼拉貧民區過日晨,今年的八十歲生辰,見證了生命的奇蹟。生活雖然足襟見肘,但勝在活得有骨氣,有力氣,菲國導演Alix Jr用平常心去看世界,從滿載世俗羈絆眼光的貧民世界中,卻拍出人性的光環。多產女星Anita Linda敬業樂業,神采飛揚,以83歲高齡吐氣揚眉首次奪影后,為甘草們爭番啖氣。 Using an octogenarian Philippine radio personality as his main character, festival favorite director Adolfo Alix, Jr. shines a light on how poverty and the plight of the elderly are intertwined. ADELA stars Anita Linda, a prolific Philippine actress who at 83 won her first leading role in decades. Alix, Jr. gives the mundane and familiar heightened meaning, capturing the nitty-gritty of life in the slums, and the loneliness of an 80-year-old woman bereft of family on her most important day.
Carla Harris, a beautiful but not so successful actress from L.A., witnesses how her husband is tragically killed in an attempt to save a woman from her male attacker. She travels to her parents' home in a small town in the mountains to get some rest only to be repeatedly harassed by redneck locals and a teenager. The local sheriff refuses to help and so it all ends up in a gang rape and with Carla's parents shot dead. Carla survives and escapes from the mental hospital to seek bloody revenge