苏小暖(颖儿 饰)的志向是当一名职业漫画家,为了这个梦想大学毕业后的她选择留在北京当一名“蚁族”。因为出版社黄编辑突然辞职,小暖的漫画集的出版遭遇危机。为帮助小暖的漫画集顺利出版,当模特的闺蜜钱碎碎决定给小暖牵线著名漫画家海歌,但碎碎竟然把地点约在了工体夜店。富二代辛小野(杜淳 饰)一直过着淫逸奢靡的生活,他跟友人相约晚上在工体夜店开怀畅饮。苏小暖和辛小野一群人在夜店莫老板的邀请下,阴错阳差进了同一间包厢喝酒,一夜宿醉,所有人集体断片。小暖更是遗失了重要的漫画手稿。宿醉醒来的辛小野发现小暖的漫画手稿被自己带回了房间。小暖和小野因为漫画手稿不打不相识。这看似偶然的背后,却是神秘莫老板在背后的精心安排……
World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search she ends up in Belarus to meet face to face with the one, whom she has been searching for her entire life.
Tyrese Gibson, John Malkovich and Michael Jai White will star in Red 48, an indie action thriller from Yale Productions. Jon Keeyes (The Harrowing) is directing the feature, which has an original script by Mickey Solis and is wrapping production this week in and around the Tri-State area. Gibson will play Kyle Snowden, a troubled former Marine turned child protective service officer who must save an immigrant child from a dangerous criminal who has trapped them and other hostages inside a convenience store. Adding more power to the keg: The store is owned by the Snowden's stepfather, Sam Safty, being played by Malkovich. White plays Sparks, the Safty's no-nonsense bodyguard and confidant. Gibson is also producing the project along with Keeyes. Jordan Yale Levine and Jordan Beckerman are producing via their Yale Productions banner.
Nan-ja waves around a shaving knife in a blonde wig, black stockings and miniskirt when the sun goes down. Her aim is to slit the throats of men who have betrayed their women and made them cry. However, her true goal is to take revenge on Gil-soo, Jae-goo and Man-sik who made her mother bite down on bread while they raped her to death. Then one day, Nan-ja finds one of the men she's looking for through a heartbroken woman who was going to kill herself. Nan-ja kidnaps him and drags him to the basement of her hideout where she makes him play the trumpet. Nan-ja dances to the sound of the trumpet until she slits his throat and watch the blood spurt out from the trumpet. Her revenge has begun.
Joseon's most popular girl Hwang Jini. Her sensory and critical game starts now! In the middle of the Joseon times, Song-do's gisaeng Jini was skilled in painting and caligraphy. Unlike other gisaengs, she was also intelligent and well educated enough to be called the best out of the Best Three. Byeok Gye-soo is is a scholar who comes down from Hanyang to attend a ball. Unlike his rowdy friends, he has integrity and loves to be around nature. He hears about Jini and his friends get him caught up in a bet that he won't be seduced by her...
力王的续作。公元2018年,地球惨遭浩劫,生灵涂炭。人类唯一赖以生存的净水、电力资源被黑宫族黑眼恶势力所控制,人民生活在水深火热之中。惟独正义感很强的贺教授不畏强暴,带领弟子秘密研究电力及净水计划。被黑眼所获悉之后,惨遭其手下风、火、雷的屠杀,其子沉怒又被劫走、被黑眼训练成一个残酷无情、力拔千吨的黑力王。贺教授带走另一...小孩贺申逃离追杀,经过二十年的艰辛培养,贺申成为一个电光雷鸣、威力无比的电力王。 黑眼获悉后,再派杀手风、火、雷追杀,贺申几经血战,终将其杀败。 黑眼为免重蹈覆辙,不惜牺牲女儿,引诱贺申,消耗贺申的能量,再派沉怒截杀,一场正义与邪恶、王者之间的决战从此拉开序幕 。