It follows Susan Zalkind as she tries to piece together the truth behind the murders of Erik Weissman, Brendan Mess and Raphael Teken in Massachusetts.
In this visually stunning and captivating series, bear witness to the extraordinary wildlife of Iberia’s Woodlands – one of the most beautiful yet ferocious environments on earth. Filmed over a year, the series charts the lives of an incredible range of animals – from Eagles and Wolves to White Storks and Lynxes – as they strive to survive the dramatically changing seasons of the forest. Combining a Mediterranean climate and a closeness to Africa, the region is blessed with unparalleled diversity and is home to both the rarest big cat (The Iberian Lynx) and the smallest mammal (the Etruscian Shrew) on earth. But life in Iberia’s Woodlands is hard. Surviving here has never been easy. And with the climate changing faster than ever before, existing here is becoming ever more savage. With life now always on the edge, which animals will survive here in this land of extremes? Producer: Palearctic Films & Azor Producciones Episodes include… 1. Breeding Season 2. Rivalry Time
为了探望患病的母亲(金成铃 饰),金书妍(朴信惠 饰)返回了家乡。自从父亲死后,金书妍和母亲之间的关系跌落到了冰点,她认为母亲应给对父亲的死负全责。金书妍不小心将手机落在了火车上,无奈之中,她只得暂时用家中的一台固定电话和外界联系。 一天,电话响了,在电话另一头的,是一位名叫吴英淑(全钟瑞 饰)的女孩。很快,金书妍就发现,这台电话似乎拥有穿越时间的特使能力,而吴英淑并非和自己生活在同一时代,而是十年前生活在这幢房子里的某个女孩。根据吴英淑的叙述,她被信奉邪教的母亲(李艾 饰)囚禁在家中,过着生不如死的日子,随着时间的推移,两个女孩之间逐渐建立起了友谊。而金书妍亦发现,就在不久之后,十年前的吴英淑将会葬身火海。
Alice and Niklas are happy, they lack nothing - but a child. After several failed invitros, they go on a holiday to Sardinia to leave their wish for a child behind. Right there, however, everything they tried to repress resurfaces. A cheerful Tyrolean family moves directly into the neighboring house and seems to have everything that Alice and Niklas lack in life. An unforeseen incident changes their view on life, in which the most natural thing in the world does not avail.
奥利维亚(亚力姗德拉·吉蒙内兹 Alexandra Jiménez 饰)、埃洛伊(布鲁诺·塞维利亚 Bruno Sevilla 饰)、吉尔(伊萨克·费里斯 Isak Férriz 饰)和安娜(Maria Ribera 饰)是相识多年的老友,彼此之间的感情十分要好。他们有一个共同的朋友名叫科马斯(米奇·艾斯巴尔贝 Miki Esparbé 饰),他35岁的生日马上就要到了,四人决定前往他所居住的柏林,给他一个惊喜。 然而,当科马斯真正见到自己的朋友们后,表现得却并没有众人想象中那样的兴奋。在他们共同度过的两天里,种种的矛盾都在酝酿之中,而这些朋友们所掩藏的过往和争端,也渐渐地开始浮出了水面。
故事发生在万圣节的夜晚,男孩马克思(欧姆里·卡兹 Omri Katz 饰)在误打误撞之中点燃了邪恶的蜡烛,将在三百年前早已经死去的三名女巫威尼弗雷德(贝特·米德勒 Bette Midler 饰)、莎拉(莎拉·杰西卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker 饰)和马莉(凯茜·纳基麦 Kathy Najimy 饰)从地狱召唤回了人间。很久很久以前,这三名女巫因为吸食小孩的精气而被判以死刑,如今,再度回到阳间的她们决定重蹈覆辙。 得知了女巫们的阴谋,马克思决定绝不坐视不管。他找到了妹妹丹尼(索拉·伯奇 Thora Birch 饰)和好友艾莉森(凡妮莎·肖 Vinessa Shaw 饰)三人一起行动,计划破坏女巫们的行动。留给孩子们的时间已经很少了。
A fearless ocean adventure team dives into one of the planet’s most spectacular and remote places, bringing to life epic shipwreck discoveries from Western Australia’s Treasure Coast – the resting place for some 1,600 ships and thousands of souls – in this premium adventure documentary series. In each episode, Captain Ash, Andre, Nush, Johnny and Ryan dive treacherous conditions hoping to discover long lost wrecks and solve mysteries from the deep. Combining diving skills, the latest underwater technology and a love of adventure, Shipwreck Hunters Australia is an exciting journey led by modern day ocean explorers. - Produced by VAM Media and Terra Australis in association with Barking Mad Productions
In this modern creature feature, a scary internet meme called "Grimcutty" stirs up panic amongst all the parents in town, convinced it's making their kids harm themselves and others. When a real-life version of Grimcutty starts attacking teen Asha Chaudry, her parents believe that she's cutting herself as part of a challenge. With her phone taken away and no one who believes her, Asha has to figure out how to get through to her parents and stop the Grimcutty once and for all.
阳光明媚的一天,柯南(高山南 配音)、小兰(山崎和佳奈 配音)以及少年侦探团的伙伴们随同毛利小五郎(小山力也 配音)来到大阪,参加在当地举行的“高中生皋月杯”百人一首和歌大赛。期间,他们还见到了彼此的好友服部平次(堀川亮 配音)和远山和叶(宫村优子 配音)。就在比赛进行中途,一封爆炸预告信送到电视台,警方迅速行动起来组织疏散。疏散一半时,爆炸突然发生,结果平次与和叶被困在建筑物中。而在一连串的混乱过后,一位皋月杯相关人员的尸体突然出现在众人面前。迷离的案情再度引起柯南的注意…… 本片根据青山刚昌的超人气漫画改编,系“名侦探柯南系列”第21部电影版。
铃木园子的叔叔次郎吉不甘心失败,决定再次向怪盗基德发出挑战。这位坏脾气的大叔斥巨资制造了巨型的飞船贝尔·雪利二世号,并以镶嵌有名贵宝石“天空的贵妇人”的戒指作赌注,邀请基德前来挑战,看他能否在东京到大阪的这6小时时间内完成这项困难的任务。柯南、小兰等人理所当然也接到邀请,甚至电视台的人也兴师动众前来。随着时间的流逝,双方的对决悄悄展开。另一方面,恐怖组织红色暹罗猫也登上了飞船。此前不久,红色暹罗猫袭击了国立东京微生物研究所,并盗走一种致命的病毒。 本片根据青山刚昌的同名漫画改编,是该动画的第14部剧场版。