A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-terrorists that have infiltrated and are attempting to disrupt the Canadian election. Colt Hanson – with the help of his small force of peace officers, must do everything he can to find the Russians and bring back order to his small town.
不羁的心讲述的是一个好色的男人背着妻子到处拈花惹草,最后被揭穿并被四个女人折磨的故事。一个好色的男人背着妻子到处拈花惹草,最后被揭穿并被四个女人折磨......演员介绍此片充满喜剧特色值得收藏.沈冠君除了此片外,作品就只有一部也不是很有名的《赤色梦魇》了,而另几位就更是只有这一部作品,可见想靠三及作品一脱成名也不是一件容易的事情!本片的四位女主角虽然没有因为拍三及而有所成就,可男主演刘的之确实从此星途坦荡,刘的之原来是香港的一个模特儿, 在《傲气雄鹰》中担任角色时因为健美的身材而被邀请拍三及片,在拍此片之前就曾拍过林义雄的<男盗女娼>、〈斗室〉等片,在这部搞笑的《不羁的心》中,他扮演花心的公司职员虽饱受淫荡女上司的骚扰,但却每晚执着寻找一夜情的幽默故事。其中一个片段拍得相当出彩,就是刘的之与情人在一个小巷里作爱的场景,巷子里灯光昏暗,有顶侧光打下,摄象机采用逆光拍摄,很好的勾勒出俩人的美妙线条和皮肤的光泽。高潮出现在那位女士双腿盘在站立的刘的之的腰部时,此女士双手用力抓着墙上的水管,由于太兴奋抓断了水管,使两股水射到了俩人的身上。顿时激起了千万个水珠,随着俩人身体的起伏和高亢的呻吟声,整个画面充满了激情的动感。因为在《赤裸羔羊》中的全裸演出而倍受关注,他拍的三及片佳作不少,可惜因为没有走红,象〈青楼十二房〉、<摩登龙争虎斗>、〈不文女学堂〉〈赤足惊魂〉〈灭门惨案之借种〉等,不过此人已经感染艾滋死了, 由于他曾与许多上流名媛有过性交易, 因为他的死,还在香港曾经引起不少的恐慌。
女孩克洛伊(玛丽恩·瓦斯 Marine Vacth 饰)胃痛寻医无果,医生推断她的病情乃心病所致,推荐她去看心理医生,就这样,克洛伊成为了保罗(杰瑞米·雷乃 Jérémie Renier 饰)的患者。在保罗的循循善诱之下,克洛伊逐渐敞开心扉,向保罗坦白了她曾经的灰暗遭遇,随着时间的推移,保罗和克洛伊之间产生了超越了医患关系的感情。 最终,克洛伊和保罗走到了一起,两人开始了同居生活,奇妙的事,自此之后,克洛伊再也没有胃痛过。某日,克洛伊在保罗的行李里发现了一张护照,护照上的照片虽然是保罗,可名字那一栏却写着“路易斯”,克洛伊顿时对保罗的身份产生了深深的怀疑,噩梦再一次降临了。
【最後的伊甸園】(Sacred Planet)是迪士尼2004年在美國推出上映的紀錄片,本片是一部IMAX超大螢幕電影,選在世界地球日4月22日於全美的各大IMAX戲院上映。 迪士尼近年來投注許多心力在經營IMAX電影市場,包括在這類型戲院推出動畫電影【幻想曲2000】、重映【美女與野獸】…等,或是推出專為此類戲院拍製的【深淵遊魂】、【黑神駒前傳】…等,【最後的伊甸園】就是迪士尼特別經營IMAX電影市場所推出的作品,只有在IMAX戲院推出,並沒有在其他一般的普通戲院上映。 【最後的伊甸園】全片的片長才四十幾分鐘,整部電影是以旁白方式引述的紀錄片電影,帶領觀眾探索許多人類現代文明尚未擴張的領域,包括大不列顛最古老的森林、極北的雪嶺、泰國境內的古代遺跡…等等,藉由傳統宗教的角度重新認識我們所居住的地球。全片走遍世界許多角落拍攝,採用特別的攝影技術呈現,並配合充滿世界性的音樂,呈現出一段探索自然奧妙與人類存在價值的神聖旅程。 本片是由 Jon Long 擔任執導,製片則是由 Jon Long 以及 Karen Fernandez 所共同擔任,在本片中擔任旁白引述的則是由好萊塢知名演員兼導演 Robert Redford 所負責。 由於【最後的伊甸園】是一部IMAX戲院專門放映的電影,而本片推出之時台灣當時還沒有專營的商業IMAX電影院,因此本片並未 安排在台灣的電影院推出上映,而是在2005年中旬直接以發行影音產品的方式首度在台推出。
Dirty Wars follows investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill, author of the international bestseller Blackwater, into the hidden world of America's covert wars, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, and beyond. Part action film and part detective story, Dirty Wars is a gripping journey into one of the most important and underreported stories of our time. What begins as a report on a deadly U.S. night raid in a remote corner of Afghanistan quickly turns into a global investigation of the secretive and powerful Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). As Scahill digs deeper into the activities of JSOC, he is pulled into a world of covert operations unknown to the public and carried out across the globe by men who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. In military jargon, JSOC teams "find, fix, and finish" their targets, who are selected through a secret process. No target is off limits for the "kill list," including U.S. citizens.
国家地理频道11月26日将播出一小时特别节目,《跟随詹姆斯·卡梅隆探寻20年后的泰坦尼克号》( Titanic: 20 Years Later with James Cameron,暂译)。泰坦尼克号的发现者罗伯特·巴拉德将和卡梅隆,通过33次深潜所得到的数据和残骸,重新分析这艘巨轮沉默的真相,并有望推翻之前对这艘巨轮的推断。
制片人兼导演苏珊·莎拉道夫(Susan Saladoff)的纪录片《热咖啡》,6月27日(周一)晚上九点在HBO电视台首播。 纪录片主要介绍了1994年里贝克诉讼麦当劳餐厅案。斯特拉·里贝克(Stella Liebeck)女士在麦当劳就餐时,不小心被一杯热滚滚的咖啡严重烫伤,之后经过陪审团裁定,获得二百九十万美元的补偿金。 纽约每日新闻评价说,可能旁观者会愤怒地摇摇头表示这起事故应该是里贝克自己的过失,并觉得她奖这件事情的责任全部推给麦当劳是十分可笑的。 该部纪录片中的图片和采访就是为了打消人们的这些想法,展现出真正的伤痕所在,这些伤痕仿佛“残酷战争留下的可怕的印记”。 The McDonald's coffee case has been routinely cited by the media as an example of how citizens have taken advantage of the legal system. We will show how this case became so popular in the media, who funded the effort and to what end. We will tell the truth and let the audience decide if spilling hot coffee is really as profitable as they might otherwise believe. Written by Anonymous . Most people think they know the "McDonald's coffee case," but what they don't know is that corporations have spent millions distorting the case to promote tort reform. HOT COFFEE reveals how big business, aided by the media, brewed a dangerous concoction of manipulation and lies to protect corporate interests. By following four people whose lives were devastated by the attacks on our courts, the film challenges the assumptions Americans hold about "jackpot justice." Written by Hot Coffee
You wake up in a shabby hotel room with no idea how you got there. You can’t recall your name. You discover there seem to be other young women in other rooms in the same predicament, though one of them seems to know your name: Anne. After an unpleasant encounter with a rather large cockroach, you have a screaming fit. That’s when the nurses arrive to sedate you. And by the way, when night falls, you’ll need to escape from a killer demon with the bloodied head of a deer. Faces of Anne relies heavily on elements of the slasher film – and in many ways, that’s exactly what it is. But the film is also a puzzle, whose central question – Why is Anne here? – allows us to explore theories as to its solution until the very last moment. Are we inside a video game? An escape room? The mind of someone with multiple personalities? The elaborate and nihilistic fantasy of a deranged serial killer? It’s nothing new to remark that the best horror films are often those that reflect the fears of society; this film builds a clever – and viscerally terrifying – analogy of some of the difficulties faced by today’s young people.
No bloody slashers have ever before been made in Lithuania. Takashi Miike’s die-hardest fan Jonas Trukanas accomplished his dream and independently created an inventively ripping horror thriller with a minimal budget. Bewitching from the first minutes, the dynamic chase builds a scary atmosphere of danger, fear and horror, while also clinging to luck and chance. “Be the hunters, not the prey,” the school mistress ironically wishes them on the graduation day, when the damnably awesome classmates follow the tradition of renting a cottage for a weekend to celebrate their graduation. They end up in the middle of nowhere for an ultimate prom party. Unfortunately, they make some terribly wrong and naive mistakes on the way. There is no mobile coverage there, as you may expect in line with all the unwritten rules. A mysterious masked savage suddenly shows up with the intention of conducting a stylish massacre. One by one, graduates are barbarously punished and axed for cynicism, arrogance, jealousy, debauchery, blackmail, filthiness, hatred, slandering, and gossiping. So many bright hopes, future plans and promising careers destroyed in just one fateful night at an illegal rave. Only shy Marius is destined to survive and turn misfortune to fortune. But why is the ruthlessly slashing serial killer protecting him? Sparked by local myths and legends (co-written with Titas Laucius, director of “Parade” from the First Feature Competition), inspired by beloved classical slashers and enriched by morbid ironic horror, the film unites whole gang of talented Lithuanian youngsters, led by Gabija Bargalaitė after her immersive debut in “Pilgrims” (Winner of Venetian “Orizzonti”). A small indie gem with hidden easter eggs and uncredited cameos.