在一处偏僻的住所里发生了骇人听闻的猎奇杀人事件,一具截成两段后又被砍掉手脚的女尸静静的散发出腐臭的气味,负责此案的女刑警吉田和子(水野美纪 饰)随即展开了调查,在此过程中,菊池泉(神乐坂惠 饰)和尾泽美津子(富樫真 饰)这两个神秘女人的身影渐渐浮出水面。 作为著名小说家的妻子,菊池泉过着平静而又枯燥的生活,除了每天定时等先生回家外几乎无所事事。而美津子则是一所著名大学的副教授,在教育界和学术界享有着极高的声誉。这两个风马牛不相及的女人之间有着怎样的联系?和子也有着自己的秘密,表面上坚贞贤惠的她其实有着十分混乱的私生活,面对欲望逐渐扩大的欲望的黑洞,她要怎样才能够守住自己的底线?
1960年代冷战期间,英国间谍阿列克·利马斯(理查德·伯顿 Richard Burton 饰)长年驻守在西柏林从事间谍业务。然而在目睹了潜伏在东德的同事被东德边防军射杀后,阿列克回到了英国秘密情报局总部,接受机密的终极任务。为了混入东德,阿列克故意暴露出自己的弱点,甚至是堕落的一面,以便离间东德情报机构的头目穆恩特(彼得·范·埃克 Peter van Eyck 饰)与手下菲德勒(奥斯卡·威内尔 Oskar Werner 饰)的关系,瓦解其势力。然而在扑朔迷离的双面间谍面具下,阿列克渐渐发现自己不过是一枚微不足道的棋子,内心的道德审判和日渐模糊的善恶之分也让阿列克备受折磨。 本片改编自1963年出版的同名谍报小说。本片共获奖6次,提名4次,男主角理查德·伯顿更凭借此片荣获1966年第38届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角提名。
While on a hunting trip in the isolated wilderness, a father and his adopted teenage son are turned into the prey of unknown assailants. They are unexpectedly joined in their fight for survival by a stranger who reveals the disturbing truth about the son's biological father, an international crime lord, and why that crime lord has sent trained assassins to kill the teenager.
美女作家珍妮弗(Camille Keaton 饰)为了寻求灵感而远离喧嚣的尘世,来到宁静的郊外静心写作。她的美貌以及火辣打扮勾起了当地几名青年的邪念,他们假意帮助羞涩内向的男孩马修(Richard Pace 饰)追求珍妮弗,实则伺机强暴了她。由于马修的软弱,饱受蹂躏的珍妮弗侥幸逃命。 不久后,珍妮弗重返此地,马修他们起初惶恐万分,但转而发现珍妮弗已经变成开放大胆的豪放女,遂放心与之交往。然而,珍妮弗的复仇计划才刚刚开始…… 本片荣获1978年Sitges – Catalonian国际电影节最佳女主角奖(Camille Keaton)。
Spending her holidays on the Swiss/Italian border, Margareta (Lina Romay) meets charming Sandra Mauro (Monica Swinn) and her husband. She agrees to stay in their house for the rest of her vacation, unaware that they are going to use her for smuggling diamonds over the border. There they get a little 'deeper' into knowing each other, but one night she awakens to strange noises and finds the couple brutally murdered in their living room. Margareta, deeply traumatized and unable to speak, is taken to Dr. Antonio's asylum. Antonio tries his very best to get her to speak and to reveal the events of the dreadful night. His attempts are not unselfish, since every member of the medical staff has already tried to be the first to find out where the missing diamonds are hidden. One night a mysterious black robbed person kills one of the nurses. Is this just a random attack or has somebody tried to get rid of a possible competitor. Only Margareta, who saw the killer, is able to uncover the mystery…