Katia Matuschak, 18, a Romanian ex-au pair is now adrift in London. She befriends Bob Reid, a seemingly friendly tattoo artist but Bob is not who he seems to be. His life is spiraling out of control and in his final attempt to fulfill his dream he kidnaps her, intending her to be his muse for his lasting work of art. Her body will be his canvas.
圣诞节期间,城东第三中学学生柏木卓也(望月步 饰)意外死亡的事件,让这所学校所有师生都卷入久久无发摆脱的阴影之中。虽然警察调查认定卓也系自杀身亡,但是有匿名者指出死者其实是被同班同学大出俊次(清水寻也 饰)、桥田佑太郎(加藤干夫 饰)、井口充(石川新太 饰)联合杀害。为了弄清真相,班长藤野凉子(藤野凉子 饰)、自称卓也好友的外校生神原和彦(板垣瑞生 饰)、高材生井上康夫(西村成忠 饰)等同龄人组成学生法庭,要对嫌疑人逐一审问。他们顶住了校方的巨大压力,一步一步朝着那个飘雪的死亡之夜迈进…… 本片根据畅销推理作家宫部美幸的经典名作改编。
因为找到一份新工作,西蒙·卡勒姆(杰森·贝特曼 Jason Bateman 饰)带着从事绘画设计工作的妻子萝宾(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)来到加州居住。西蒙的事业小有成就,夫妻俩和谐融洽,生活无忧无虑。在购物时,西蒙偶然重逢高中同学戈多(乔尔·埃哲顿 Joel Edgerton 饰),两人简单交谈后挥手告别。未过几天,戈多不请自来为夫妻带来了小礼物,当晚三个人共进晚餐,不过西蒙感觉并不十分愉快,显然他不太喜欢这个始终那么古怪的同学,相反萝宾倒有些欣赏这个热心的男子。在一次小的波折过后,西蒙终于决定张口要和完全不属于同一个世界的戈多绝交。 戈多面带失落,同时一种异样的表情在他脸上浮现……
Its plot introduces us to Antoine and Olga, a French couple who settled in a small village in inland Galicia some time ago. There, they lead a quiet life, although their coexistence with the locals is not as idyllic as they would like it to be. A conflict with their neighbours, the Anta brothers, will ratchet up the tension in the village until it reaches the point of no return.