A boy named Harley and his family (brother Austin, mother Beth, and father Mitch) attends a taping of The Banana Splits TV show, which is supposed to be a fun-filled birthday for young Harley and business as usual for Rebecca, the producer of the series. But things take an unexpected turn -- and the body count quickly rises. Can Harley, his mom and their new pals safely escape?
David and Hannah Cashman have promised their family a fun Christmas getaway, but when they arrive at a grand, old house in the snowy woods of Washington and are greeted by familiar construction foreman, the kids realize their parent’s plan to make it a working vacation; renovating the place in the hopes of flipping it. Alicia, the eldest, is annoyed but the younger kids are soon distracted when, wandering through the creepy mansion, they find a stash of old toys in an abandoned playroom and take to them instantly. Before long, they seem to be inseparable from their new playthings, much to the consternation of their nanny Rose who, along with Alicia, senses that something in the house is not quite right. As stranger and stranger things start to happen, Rose and Alicia have a hunch that there may be more to the history of the old house than the Cashman’s are letting on. Can the family escape with their lives – or will they stay forever in the crumbling house, never to celebrate another Christmas again? Bringing the nostalgia of stop motion holiday specials - #ToysOfTerror stars #KyanaTeresa (“Shadowhunters,” “Star Trek: Discovery”) as Hannah Cashman, Georgia Waters (“Siren”) as Rose Mathis, Verity Marks (“The Christmas Club”) as Alicia Cashman, Dayo Ade (“Workin Moms,” “October Faction”) as David Cashman, Saul Elias as Franklin Cashman and Zoe Fish as Zoe Cashman. The film is written and executive produced by Dana Gould (“Stan Against Evil,” “The Simpsons”) and directed by Nicholas Verso (Boys in the Trees, “Nowhere Boys”). The movie is produced by Blue Ribbon Content in association with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and SYFY.
钟少雄导演的此片意在强调香港电影事业的衰败惨景,并不恐怖,但其在有限的条件下,拍出这部困兽式悲情片,表现了电影人如入地狱的噩梦处境。然而该片过火失控,比起前些年的《阴阳路》用鬼戏院讽刺电影业困境的黑色幽默感,有不及之感。剧情讲述了即将来临的一九九九年最后一夜,北角英皇道一间旧戏院面临封铺关门,由雷宇扬饰演的放映员正放映最后一场电影,观众只有其女友姚乐怡一人,却不料发生了闹鬼事件。此片场面凄厉,其肮脏一面简直惨不忍睹。诸多香港影星包括黎耀祥、吴镇宇、李惠敏、孙佳君、吴志雄和钱嘉乐在内都切身感受了场面。最后闹剧在雷宇扬对姚乐怡的求爱中才得以平息,这也应了魔鬼来人间是考验人们能否 "患难见真情"的作怪目的。但这种考验却太过火,太残忍了。
《寂静岭2》改编自热爆电子游戏《Silent Hill 3》。 Heather Mason(阿德莱德·克莱蒙丝 Adelaide Clemens 饰)和父亲Harry Mason(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)在外面逃命已经多年,但她却总不明白那些对他们造成危险的东西是什么。多年来受神秘力量骚扰,更长期被毛骨悚然的恶梦弄得心绪不宁。18岁生日当日,她发现自己被偷偷跟踪,随之而来的事故也让父亲离奇失踪,只遗下一个神秘的讯息。在那场事件中,她发现自己的身份是伪造的,而自己对从前的回忆也成为了梦魇。这一切奇怪的梦和事,引领着她到达那个既陌生又可怕的国度——寂静岭。 踏进这里后,Heather发现很多惊人的真相,路上等待她的是恐惧的威吓,而她的身世之谜也慢慢被揭开。各种可怕的生物在这个地方出现,更有人告诉她她就是那个命中注定要来杀光所有梦魇和怪兽的人……
为了女儿,Rose(拉达•米契尔 饰)与女儿一起来到了一个奇怪的地方。 女儿常常梦游,Rose寻遍医生都无法把女儿的病治好,虽然灰心过但Rose还是不愿放弃医治女儿。女儿是她的命根,女儿梦游时总是说着一个名字,于是她丢下丈夫(肖恩•宾 饰),到了那个叫寂静岭的地方。 Rose以为在那里能找到治疗女儿疾病的答案,但这个地方却出乎了她当初所想象。祸不单行的是女儿在这时候奇怪地失踪了。这里不像一般的城镇,空气中弥漫着让人窒息的浓雾。在这里居住的人不多,却有很多奇怪的生物居住,Rose到处寻找女儿,却不得要领。而且更常常遇到令她意想不到的事情,从未接触过的事物。渐渐的,她了解了有关这个地方的历史,也得知了一个秘密……
A listless grand-daughter, Chance Sinclair (Avery Konrad), is sentenced to live with her draconian grand-father, August (Timothy V. Murphy) after a violent incident at school and begins to question the source of her families immense wealth and power. When Chance's scheming Mom, June (Annette Reilly), hires a troubled chef, Sydney (Johnathan Lipnicki), to poison August, the family's monstrous secrets are revealed over the course of one bloody night. Every soul is up for grabs as The Sinclair Family Games Night gets underway and Chance learns that being apart of this family is a blood-in, blood-out proposition.
露西(黛米·摩尔)是美国第一家提供食用餐具的“不可思议的编辑”公司(Incredible Edibles)的自负、自大狂的首席执行官。露西以她无穷的智慧,带领她的员工,包括长期受苦的助手,弗雷迪(卡兰·索尼)和杰西(杰西卡·威廉姆斯),在新墨西哥州的一个公司团队建设崩塌周末。当灾难来临时,即使是他们无用的向导,布兰登(埃德·赫尔姆斯)也救不了他们。这个不匹配和不满的群体被困在地下,为了生存,他们必须团结起来。 导演帕特里克·布赖斯召集了一群不太可能的角色,把他们锁在洞穴里,然后让他们离开。接下来是关于人类社会互动的噩梦般的研究,一直在问这样一个问题:当人们停止相互竞争,联合起来对抗压迫者时,会发生什么?Brice创造性地将每个角色的弧线编织成更大的主题,在他们成为他们本性的牺牲品时,扮演他们反抗动物性的人性。十二个人被困在山洞里,食物正在枯竭,真相被揭露,背叛和操纵被揭露,结成联盟——什么可能出错?