After years of being friendly with her little ghosts, Risa begins to feel that she must have a normal life like other women. Especially now Risa has a boyfriend named Dimas, a radio announcer. Risa does not tell Dimas about her ability to see ghosts, and that she has five little friends who were not human. Risa's friendship with Peter cs shaken, after she feels Peter cs begin teasing Dimas. Risa finally chose to close her inner eyes so she could live a normal life. But a strange thing happens. He could no longer see Peter cs, but again smells danur (liquid that comes out of decayed corpses). It is an evil ghost who enters the house through heavy rain: the ghost of an evil woman who not only threatens her life, but also Peter cs.
Following her daughter's suicide, a grief-stricken mother is visited by an unconventional therapist who offers a hallucinogenic drug that will allow communion with the dead. Desperate to understand her daughter's psyche, she accepts the offer and soon finds herself terrorized by her daughter's identical experiences.
农历七月,鬼门大开。某座小岛上流传着一个恐怖的传说,当年有一名女子刚好死在午夜23:59,此后她的怨灵不散,盘桓小岛。驻岛军营中,言语粗鲁的Dragon(Lawrence Koh 饰)向战友讲述了这些传说,吓坏了软弱胆小的谭(曾国珲 饰)。原来谭曾声称不久前见过那名女鬼,生怕自己被残忍杀害,可是他的说辞不仅遭到战友的耻笑,连最好的朋友杰里米(许亮宇 饰)也不相信。不久,军队即将举行长途行军,上士Kuah(Mark Lee 饰)笃信神佛,生怕那一天冲撞“好朋友”请求延期,无奈留洋归来的长官拒不采纳。是夜,谭惨死林中,在战士之间引起轩然大波。 在此之后,军中灵异事件相继发生……
Olaf and his mother run a boarding house and a white slavery ring. They also smuggle heroin to keep the addict girls happy so they do not try and escape. A young couple move into the house and the evil landlords take a liking to the female.
Maddie and Abi are twin sisters, and famously the only victims to ever escape the notorious serial killer known as The Mechanic. Years after their near escape, The Mechanic is finally scheduled to be executed for his horrific crimes, but what should be a moment of closure for the sisters ends up unleashing something far more insidious. As they try to leave behind the trauma of their experience, their connection to The Mechanic haunts them and begins to slowly take over their minds…
1983年,某学校的女子联谊会。凯蒂•罗斯(Kate McNeil 饰)等一众青春女孩即将毕业,她们和宿舍的管理员斯雷特夫人(Lois Kelso Hunt 饰)夫人的关系不是很好。借此机会,她们决定戏弄一下这个古怪的老太婆,然而却无意中将其杀害。女孩们并未选择报警,在维姬(Eileen Davidson 饰)的提议下,她们将斯雷特夫人的尸体沉入游泳池池底。 次日,联谊会如期举行,女孩们强颜欢笑,试图忘记前一天发生的一切。然而错误的选择扭转了命运的走向。斯雷特夫人的怨念并未散去,就在当晚,恐怖的杀戮接二连三发生了……
卡希蒂(布蕾安娜·伊薇根 Briana Evigan 饰)、艾莉(卢默尔·威利斯 Rumer Willis 饰)、克莱尔(洁米·张 Jamie Chung 饰)、杰西卡(莉娅·派普斯 Leah Pipes 饰)、查格丝(Margo Harshman 饰)和梅根(奥德丽娜·帕特里奇 Audrina Patridge 饰)是某所高校的六个亲密无间的好姐妹,她们组成名为“西塔派”的姐妹联谊会,一起玩耍,同进同退。在庆祝大四新学年的狂欢派对上,姐妹们合伙戏耍了梅根的花心男友加勒特(Matt O'Leary 饰),结果却导致梅根被加勒特无意中杀害。为了掩盖罪行,这五个女孩将好友的尸体丢入废井,制造失踪的假象,并相约谨守这个秘密。 转眼8个月过去,少女们即将迎来毕业的时刻。梅根的惨剧让她们的心中渐生离析。与此同时,似乎有一个神秘之人正躲在暗处,伺机夺取她们的生命……
二次世界大战期间,拥有“马来之虎”称号的日本南方作战总司令山下奉文曾在东南亚叱咤风云,战时他在当地大肆搜刮钱财。随着日本投降,始终下落不明的“山下黄金”也成为寻宝者趋之若鹜的对象。这一天,某企业总裁的公子哥沃伦带着日本学者理绘(水野美纪 饰)、前英国军人斯坦利(Sam Hazeldine 饰)登陆印尼某小岛。此前他曾从苏门答腊搞到一张地图,地图上的标示令他确信“山下黄金”正藏在这座岛上。虽然有当地雇佣军的保护,可是他们突然遭到一伙不明身份军人的袭击。 仓皇之中,这群探险者躲进日军修筑的基地,而这里便是731部队的卫星控制中心。在深锁长达半个世纪的地下迷宫,等待这群人的将是前所未有的恐怖……
音浪滚滚,群魔乱舞的夜店内,目睹男友出轨的艾莲娜(艾玛·费兹帕特里克 Emma Fitzpatrick 饰)无意中掣动某开关,致使寻欢场所顿时化作绞肉地狱,无数男女惨遭屠戮,搜尸者(Randall Archer 饰)静观这一血腥残酷场景,并在最终时刻虏走艾莲娜。混乱之中,饱经磨难的阿金(乔什·斯图沃特 Josh Stewart 饰)侥幸逃脱。正当他待在医院接受治疗时,受某富翁之托的警方找上门来,要求阿金在48小时之内找到艾伦娜。 无论如何,阿金必须再次返回留下无数梦魇的魔窟,时间紧迫,尝试逃亡的艾莲娜时时处在危险之中。而阿金和警察部队也面临搜尸魔布下的致命陷阱。死神的脚步渐次清晰……
拥有犯罪前科的男子阿金(乔什·斯图尔特 Josh Stewart 饰)靠着一份除虫的工作养家糊口,但是这点稀薄的工资对于巨额放贷以及等着吃饭的老婆孩子来说无异于杯水车薪。万般无奈之下,他打起雇主——珠宝商人迈克·切斯(Michael Reilly Burke 饰)的主意 。适逢切斯一家外出度假,阿金找到当年的好友罗伊(罗伯特·维斯登 Robert Wisdom 饰),他准备从切斯家偷出珠宝并拜托罗伊销赃。 入夜,阿金潜入切斯家空空荡荡的房子里。但他的运气实在太差了,他发现已经有人先行来到这里。那个自称“收藏家”的神秘男子似乎目标并不在钱财,而是人命。阿金想要知难而退,结果发现自己被困在了这所地狱一般的房子中……
Many, many years ago, the beautiful Medusa was severely punished by Athena, the virgin goddess, for the loss of her purity. Today, Mariana belongs to a world where she must do her utmost to keep up the appearance of a perfect woman. In order not to fall into temptation, she tries hard to control everything and everyone around her. However, the day will come when the urge to scream will be stronger than it ever has been.