Carrie and Justin Palmer are the perfect couple to everyone around them. Or so it seems. They recently celebrated ten years of marriage and are talking about starting a family. After a wine filled evening, Carrie's girlfriends press her to share who her "hall pass" would be. Carrie admits that she has had a crush on famed rocker, Dante Jones, since she was in college but would never betray Justin if given the opportunity. After a business trip to Vegas and a chance meeting with Dante himself after his concert, her obsession suddenly becomes his. Carrie does everything in her power to keep her secret away from her friends and more importantly, Justin, but Dante's stalking and relentless infatuation becomes all-consuming and far too dangerous to hide.
Ilsa, now a vicious warden, runs a mental-hospital for young women. A girl deliberately "checks" in to the hospital to find out what has happened to her sister who stayed there. Meanwhile Ilsa and one of the guards are forcing the inmates to have sex with male prisoners, filming them and selling it as pornoflicks.
格雷斯(萨玛拉·维文 Samara Weaving 饰)自幼失去双亲,成长在寄养家庭之中,这样的她再也没有想到自己竟然邂逅了豪门之子亚里克斯(马克·奥布莱恩 Mark O'Brien 饰),两人的恋爱顺利,通往婚姻的道路一路亮起绿灯。 终于,格雷斯满心期待的那一天到来了,然而,在新婚之夜,亚里克斯却告诉了格雷斯一个非常古怪的消息。原来,在亚里克斯的家族中流传着这样一个传统,每一位嫁进来的新娘都必须在结婚当晚完成一个游戏,而游戏的具体内容则由抽牌来决定。虽然对这样的规矩万分不理解,但格雷斯还是决定忍一时风平浪静。万万没想到,格雷斯抽到了最糟糕的那张牌——捉迷藏,格雷斯必须在天亮之前找到一个可以躲藏的地方,不能够被任何的人发现,否则就只有死路一条。