阿斯利是一位年轻的母亲,生完孩子不久的她努力想要寻找一位保姆,好让自己重返职场。最终她遇到了古尔尼哈尔,同样是一位年轻的母亲。随着古尔尼哈尔走进她的生活,阿斯利开始面对自己一直在逃避的秘密。 Asli, a young mother who is trying to find a nanny to get back to work, finally meets young Gulnihal. Gulnihal is also a young mother. With Gulnihal coming into her life, Asli faces her secrets which she has been avoiding herself.
Katia Matuschak, 18, a Romanian ex-au pair is now adrift in London. She befriends Bob Reid, a seemingly friendly tattoo artist but Bob is not who he seems to be. His life is spiraling out of control and in his final attempt to fulfill his dream he kidnaps her, intending her to be his muse for his lasting work of art. Her body will be his canvas.
1960年,罗马奥运会的田径赛场上,四百米赛跑世界纪录保持者米哈·辛格(法拉汗·阿赫塔尔 Farhan Akhtar 饰)站在起跑线上,肩负着为祖国印度赢得该项目第一枚金牌的重任。而当人们欢呼呐喊之际,却鲜少有人能透彻回望米哈一路成长起来的跌宕人生路。1954年米哈应征入伍,首次接触400米田径。不谙世事的他,朝着那套神圣的国家队制服全力奔跑。而伴随着战火、爱情和亲情,这个矫健的男人在奔跑在各大盛事的赛场上时,还将背负着更多无法抛却的东西。一个男人的传奇,一个时代的记录…… 本片根据印度传奇田径运动员、被称为“飞翔的锡克教徒”米哈·辛格(Milkha Singh)的生平事迹改编。
In this intense thriller, a nightmarish evening unfolds for David (Luke Kleintank), a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remorse, and in the name of friendship he does unspeakable things to protect the secret. Now that the police are full-on hunting for the hit-and-run killer, things begin to spiral out of control when David’s local newspaper sends him to cover the story where he meets the deceased girl’s sister Vanessa (Eloise Smyth). Despite the circumstances, and her deep desire to find her sister’s killer, the two immediately have a romantic connection, which surprises and haunts David, while pushing Robert to take brutal steps to keep his new friend to himself.
A holiday battle of wills between pilot Jenny Beckett (Katie Lowes) and Matt Connor (Evan Williams), a number-crunching CEO who purchases Jenny’s family-owned, regional airline. Matt’s cost-cutting initiatives threaten Christmas when he cancels the airline’s annual holiday charitable benefit for underserved children. Determined to show Matt that the sweetest things in life are worth any price, Jenny rallies the community to help save the event and unexpectedly finds herself falling for the magnate in the process.
项白因捉弄县令被捕,彩英为求情陷入林素与 二皇子的阴谋中,因彩英与红衣长相颇为相 似,林素使其冒充彩戏国师红衣。项白出狱 后,为解救青梅竹马彩英前往顺京,循着线索 潜入云机社。红衣心腹周方被林素买通加害红 衣,却阴差阳错地被项白当成是彩英而救下。 红衣施展彩戏大法,醒来后失忆,只当自己是 彩英一路跟着项白及好友公输盘逃脱追杀,三 人来到公输盘家乡黑水村。黑水村民尽是亡国 遗民,项白等人在其恳求下同意解救在顺京为 质的夏帝,却没想到夏帝早已安于现状,众人 失落离开。红衣记起自己身份,识破林素偷天 换日的阴谋。项白和红衣决定兵分两路,解救 彩英并揭发林素阴谋,可惜因夏帝出卖,林素 早有准备,二皇子成功篡位,彩英也死于林素 之手……
迈克尔(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)是一位专门研究莎士比亚的美国学者,某日,为了得到一份珍贵的资料,迈克尔带着妻子海伦(凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve 饰),从巴黎前往阿拉碧达修道院拜访,在那里,夫妻两人结识了修道院的管理人波塔(路易斯·米格尔·辛特拉 Luís Miguel Cintra 饰)。 刚一见面,波塔就被优雅而又神秘的海伦深深吸引,为了能够得到海伦,波塔特意安排了年轻性感的女孩皮耶黛(雷奥勒·希尔维拉 Leonor Silveira 饰)作为迈克尔的助理。波塔的这一招果然奏效了,海伦因为迈克尔整日埋首于学术之中而感到大为的不满。