A renowned painter who rose from an impoverished past, must confront his once highly abusive addict father, La’Ron, after 15 years of distance between them. Although La’Ron claims to have been reformed by his new relationship with Christ, their reconnection stirs up buried trauma, launching Tarrell into incendiary anxiety, and sending destructive shockwaves through the family. Tarrell must decide if he’s able to forgive, or if he will cut off his father forever.
After a bomb destroys a railway carriage, the four survivors repair to the villa of one, Mrs. Delahunty, a writer of romance novels, a woman with a past. The others are an aging British general, a young German man, and Aimee, an American girl orphaned in the blast. As these four strangers recover in Umbria's countryside and become friends, Aimee's uncle, a cold and childless academic who studies red carpenter ants, arrives to fetch her. Mrs. Delahunty fears this may not be in Aimee's best interests, begins to drink heavily, and fails in her attempts to connect with Aimee's uncle. Meanwhile, a persistent detective investigates the blast. Written by <jhailey@hotmail.com>
Using archival footage and dramatic re-enactments, this documentary deals with the immediate aftermath of the 1918 armistice that brought World War I to an end. From January to July 1919, the Paris Peace Conference dealt not only with issues related to Germany but with the thorny issue of national boundaries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. From this conference emerged Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia; the annexation of parts of Germany by other countries; the creation of Iraq; and the transfer of German colonies in Africa and China to new colonial masters. It also led to the creation of the League of Nations, championed by President Woodrow Wilson but which the US never joined. When they finally dealt with the issue of war reparations, they imposed a payments schedule on Germany that many believe provided the underpinnings of World War II.
When 13-year-old seminarian Sacramento Santos joins a new order, he hopes to rise through levels of obedience to “Perfect Obedience”. But this progression proves to be more than just a spiritual journey. Sacramento is adopted by the order's founding father, Ángel de la Cruz, and over the course the year they fall in love and surrender to the most intense, blissful, and contradictory episode of their lives. Years later, older and wiser, Sacramento leaves the order regretting that episode, and he decides to seek justice from his old tutor.
堪萨斯城酋长队的铁杆球迷阿拉娜·希格曼 (Alana Higman) 和她的家人正在争夺该球队的年度最佳球迷称号,比赛由球迷参与总监德里克 (Derrick) 负责评判。
在日本留学多年的李叔同(濮存昕 饰)终于回到了魂牵梦绕的祖国,当时正值辛亥革命成功,他为共和欢呼,并出仼《太平洋报》副刊主编,憧憬国家美好未来。好景不长,没过多久国家陷入军阀混战,李叔同也从穿洋装的主编转变为懦雅的布衣君子,以教授书画为业。其间,培养了丰子恺(尹治 饰) 、刘质平(胡光子 饰)等一批日后的艺术名家。此时的李叔同对佛学产生浓厚兴趣,遁入空门,法号弘一。闽南佛学院太虚院长(刘伟明 饰)与弘一法师都有宏大的志愿,虽门派不同,最终却殊途同归。抗战爆发后,身患重病的弘一法师仍坚持抗日救亡运动,并谱写救亡歌曲鼓舞士气,1942年10月13日,一代大师驾鹤西去......
骆敬业是一个以人体写真摄影师为业的人,而且似乎与他拍摄的女模特儿之间有一种特殊的关系,每次拍摄后都与她们有亲密的关系。他的妻子方婷一直选择忍耐,可能是出于对骆敬业深沉的爱意。然而,剧情却在一次拍摄后发生了戏剧性的变化。模特儿芝芝被发现死于摄影大厦内,死因是被利刀割喉。警方开始怀疑骆敬业可能与此有关,尤其是考虑到他与模特儿之间的特殊关系。这使得故事充满了悬疑和紧张气氛。 在调查的过程中,方婷的前夫的好友汤律师介入,为骆敬业提供帮助,协助解围。然而,随后的发展却让故事更加扑朔迷离。骆敬业通过汤律师的介绍认识了明星安娜,两人的关系逐渐亲密。然而,令人意外的是,汤律师和安娜也相继遇害。
Pablo’s life is ruled by drugs and by the intense and oppressive relationship he has with his mother, a former cocaine mule who escaped from Colombia and with whom he shares a small house in the outskirts of Rome. After her death, following her relapse into drug addiction caused by his emotional involvement with a young Colombian girl mixed up in the smuggling ring, Pablo’s guilt pushes him to try and bring her ashes back to Colombia. When the embassy denies his request on the basis of the fake identity and passport of his mother, the protagonist will be forced to tackle the journey by ingesting ovules containing ashes instead of drugs and he will find himself in his home country for the first time, desperately looking for redemption and his mother’s house on the Madgalena river.
故事发生在风景如画的法国乡间,塞西尔(珍·茜宝 Jean Seberg 饰)跟随着父亲雷蒙(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)居住在那里。清新的田园景色和无忧无虑的生活令塞西尔成长成为了一个桀骜不羁的少女,她厌恶循规蹈矩的生活,向往着自由和浪漫。 雷蒙结识了名叫安娜(黛博拉·蔻儿 Deborah Kerr 饰)的美丽女子,两人很快打得火热,但塞西尔却并不喜欢这个有可能成为自己继母的女人,因为安娜的性格对于她来说显得过于保守和严谨,于是,塞西尔找到了父亲的前女友艾尔莎(麦琳娜·德蒙吉奥 Mylène Demongeot 饰),策划让她从中作梗搅黄雷蒙和安娜的姻缘,却没想到自己看似毫无破绽的诡计最终酿成了悲剧。
《朗康科马湖传奇:湖中女士》讲述了杰米 (Jamie) 的故事,她是一名刚毕业的高中毕业生,她希望与朋友们在湖边享受她最后一个避暑别墅和 18 岁生日。弟弟溺水一周年纪念日、母亲的心理健康问题以及困扰曾经幸福的舒尔茨一家的无法解释的超自然事件的阴影笼罩着杰米,她肯定不会度过她所希望或期待的夏天。
Annie just graduated college. As she falls into an aimless summer, she finds herself entangled with Tyler, a woman she meets at a bar and Danny, Tyler's co-worker or best friend or…? Annie can never tell. The film follows Annie through a summer of self-discovery as she, Tyler, and Danny each battle for unrequited connection, ultimately helping Annie find her voice in desire and independence.