美英和恋人宇贤 虽然在别人看来很平凡,但维持着稍微的关系,即使知道宝拉和宇贤的关系也不在意,反而利用了…
在雕塑家黄俊赫的作品展上,一个美轮美奂的名为"娜塔莉"的女性雕塑震惊全场,令观众叹为观止。2000年的作品再次展示到公众面前,俊赫心情激动。原来,这两个男人同这个女神般的女子竟有着无法言喻的情感纠葛。随着他们的记忆被牵开一角,关于"娜塔莉"的秘密也渐渐浮出水面。深爱着一个女人的两个男人,他们交错的爱情记忆。 有着致命美感因而受到世界认定的雕刻作品《娜塔莉》,人们尽管感叹不已,但背后模特的原型是谁和她的故事却一概不知,雕刻家黄俊赫(李成宰饰)在自己作品展中再次公开这个数十年前的巨作,展示会的最后一天,美学评论家张玟宇(金智勋饰)前来,和黄俊赫说他知道这模特的原形是一名叫吴美兰(朴贤真饰)的女子,并设法把自己和吴美兰的回忆告诉他,并多次强调和吴美兰是爱人关系,一向平稳冷淡的黄俊赫怒斥其言语,并声称自己才是吴美兰的爱人,但二人所称和她的回忆时间却相差甚远,俊赫和玟宇的这个“娜塔莉”究竟是什么身份,二人从回忆开始追踪这背后隐藏的真正秘密
As a result, some of the episodes are a strange mixture of run-of-the-mill exploitation stuff with issues concerning good or bad parenting. For example, in one episode Elise (Marie Luise Lusewitz) has Sunday morning sex with her husband, unaware that her young children are already awake and watching them through the bedroom's keyhole; her hubby finds the subsequent inquisition by the kids regarding the technical details of this weird wrestling match too hard to take and reacts in a way that gives the commentator ample opportunity for more moralising criticism.
In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier rejected her and ridiculed her advances.
Judas, a wealthy playboy living in Hong Kong, is obsessed with snakes. His apartment is full of them, and he treats them as if they were his children. One night Judas' brother persuades him to accompany him to see a dance act at a nightclub. Judas is astounded to see that the act consists of a beautiful Asian woman who dances nude while holding a python. He is immediately smitten, and winds up hiring her to take care of his snakes while he's away on business. However, things start to take a sinister turn.
Myron Breckinridge is waiting for his sex-change operation while a stoned surgeon stumbles into the operating room. Before the drugged doctor begins Myron's operation, he counsels him. Myron persists and the doctor goes through with it. An enthusiastic audience observing the operation applauds the medical achievement and rises in a standing ovation. After the operation, Myron arrives in Hollywood as Myra while in the rest of the film Myron pops up from time to time as Myra's alter ego. Myra goes to an acting academy owned by her uncle, Buck Loner, a former cowboy star. The real reason for Myra's arrival is to claim her half of Uncle Buck's estate, which she says she's entitled to. Buck Loner stalls by giving her a job teaching the history of motion pictures. Buck Loner has several friends. One of them is Letitia Van Allen, an ancient Hollywood talent scout. The sex-starved septuagenarian runs an acting agency "for leading men only."
马特(克瑞恩·奥伯里恩饰)在茫茫的南极上空盘旋,这眩目的洁白和不动声色的宁静相比起一年前与丽莎(玛戈·斯蒂雷饰)在布鲁克斯顿音乐节上的那次相遇,是如此的不同,以至于如此的刻骨。那个欲望初绽的夏天,尾随着《Movin’on up》的喧嚣,马特和丽莎的爱也在性爱的旋涡中翻滚。他们在窗口边肢体交缠,他们在浴缸中胴体翻转,他们在洁白的床单上虐恋、High到极点,他们在高级酒店中完成此情此爱的最后一个狂热句点。也就是那个夏天,喧嚣的音乐轰然而至,《Primal Scream》、《Franz Ferdinand》、《The Dandy Warhols》、《Black Rebel Motorcycle Club》一首接一首,在舞台上颤然而至。而每一首歌,象征一次高潮,象征马特和丽莎音乐会后翩然而至的性爱记忆。爱有缠绵,亦有纷扰不安的纠缠,那次脱衣舞店里的暧昧经历,让马特黯然夺门而出,于是催生了丽莎痛彻心扉的自慰和马特怀里的泪。然而,有笑,有泪,有怒吼的音乐,有安静的琴声,有邂逅,亦有分离。丽莎回美国的那天,马特第一次去了丽莎的家,却没有去机场送她,因为丽莎说:“我忍受不了太长的送别。 后来,马特去了南极,当他坐着飞机盘旋在皑皑白雪的上空的时候,当他考察着千年的冰层的时候,当他行走在广袤雪中央的时候,他想起了丽莎,想起了这个“21岁,靓丽开放的美国女孩儿”的一切,想起了每次激情中她的娇喘,想起了她送给他的生日的一本关于南极的书 [1] 。
Clint Ramsey has to leave his job working at Martin Bormann's gas station and flee after his wife is murdered by psycho cop Harry Sledge, who tries to pin the murder on Clint. Crossing America, Clint gets sexually harassed on all sides by various voluptuous nymphomaniacs, and it all ends in a literally explosive climax.
因为童年时期的悲惨遭遇,玛德琳(克里斯蒂娜·林德伯格 Christina Lindberg 饰)失去了说话的能力,长大后,她一直生活在一个偏僻的农场中,离群索居。一次意外中,玛德琳遇见了名叫托尼(Heinz Hopf 饰)的男人,不幸的是,托尼并非善类,他不仅欺骗了玛德琳将她囚禁,还用毒品为诱饵控制了玛德琳,逼迫她出卖身体以换取利益。 在一次次的反抗中,玛德琳失去了一只眼睛,精神和肉体都濒临崩溃的她每日犹如在地狱中备受煎熬。父亲的死讯为玛德琳带来了一丝生的勇气,因为导致父亲死亡的不是别人,正是托尼。以此为契机,玛德琳重新振作了起来,她要努力让自己变得强大,因为她明白,只有变得强大,她才能够报复所有让她如此痛苦的人们。
外太空一个叫Porno的星球射来一股强烈射线,被射中的人类会产生强烈的性冲动而不能自制。影片的主角Flesh Gordon乘坐的飞机被射线穿过,飞机上的男女立刻沉浸在性冲动中,坐在Flesh Gordon旁边的Dale也不例外。眼看飞机就要坠毁,Gordon和Dale跳伞逃生。刚落地就遇上科学家Flexi博士,他说服两人与他一同乘坐他的自制飞船前往Porno星球,制止这个星球的皇帝通过这种“色线”控制地球。 这并不是一部出色的电影,但它的独特性是不可否认的。一部有强烈性内容的影片,能把故事和情色结合得好,这是不容易的,为什么?你自己想…。因为含有强烈性内容,在发行时有两个版本,删减版和未删减版。有趣的是,导演在审核发行过程中被要求在法官的办公室看完本片,并剪去过于激烈的内容。但完整版本还是以录影带的方式被保存下来。电影的续集在1989年发行。