James starts his coast-to-coast odyssey in Mumbai, one of India's greatest cities. A white-knuckle auto rickshaw journey through the bustling streets in the company of top stand-up comedian Aditi Mittal leads James to a roasting at a nearby comedy club. Attempting to find his feet after this bruising experience, James explores Dharavi, India's biggest slum which, despite its challenges, is buzzing with determined entrepreneurs and an uplifting community spirit. Next up, in a confusing and hilarious encounter, James meets one of the last great Bollywood poster artists and has a go at creating his own vision of a blockbuster. A traditional fortune teller warns James of the perils of the journey ahead before he sets out on a 500-mile trek into Rajasthan and Udaipur, the fabled city of lakes. Here, a serene morning in the company of India's champion kite flyer descends into apocalyptic chaos as James and the crew battle the elements. As dusk falls, James cycles into the old city for the explosive and fiery ritual of Holika Dan. The episode ends with the wild and colourful celebration of Holi, where the whole city comes together to dance to earth-shattering beats in a kaleidoscopic array of paints and powders.
美雪发出了“想和大树结婚!”的宣言,继母亚希子以及麦田陷入慌乱,继母与婆婆之间的对决也即将上演。 有一天,宫本亚希子(绫濑遥 饰)发现在“面包麦田”边打工边上大学的女儿美雪(上白石萌歌 饰),临近毕业却没有找工作。“就这样在麦田打工不好吗?”,对完全不反省起步晚的美雪,亚希子开始了短期的猛特训&二人三脚的就职活动。看着亚希子为了让亡夫良一(竹野内丰 饰)托付给自己的独生女儿独立而奋斗的样子,美雪也开始认真考虑自己的将来。和亚希子两人三脚的美雪开始了就职活动,不过,就在这时,宫本家发生了大骚动! 风云儿麦田店长(佐藤健 饰)也被卷入其中……天国的良一先生也!?
凭借英剧《神探夏洛克》《伦敦生活》、话剧《哈姆雷特》《乐在当下》多次获得奥利弗奖、艾美奖、金球奖大奖及提名的英国演员安德鲁·斯科特(Andrew Scott)将再次挑战个人演艺生涯的又一高峰——一人分饰多角出演契诃夫名作的独角戏改编版《万尼亚》。无论是将原著中深沉阴险的莫里亚蒂演绎得狡黠而略带神经质,还是将禁欲的神父塑造得温柔又性感,安德鲁·斯科特尤善为人物赋予自己的思考和独特的气质,这次他将在万尼亚舅舅、索尼娅、教授、医生等九个角色间自如切换,期待值拉满! 《万尼亚》由凭借《深夜小狗离奇事件》获得奥利弗奖、托尼奖的西蒙·史蒂芬斯(Simon Stephens)操刀改编,在改编作品中,希望、梦想和遗憾都成为探索的焦点。导演萨姆·耶茨(Sam Yates)搭建出封闭的、生活化的舞台空间,让安德鲁·斯科特在其中塑造了众多栩栩如生的角色,带来一个被人类共通的情感包裹的夜晚。该剧在伦敦西区演出时场场爆满,备受好评,本次影像也摄于演出现场。