美佳妈妈和麦奇、大宇、朵朵、欢欢四只小萌鸡与其他动物们一起快乐地生活在森林里。一天,人类的挖掘机队伍进入森林,树木被砍伐,萌鸡们的家也被破坏了。美佳妈妈被迫带着萌鸡们上路,打算去“山的那边”寻找新家。 但要到达“山的那边”并不容易,他们必须要穿过人类生活的城市。萌鸡们对城市中的一切都充满了好奇,但却不知道危险也正在向他们逼近……
魏成功(魏翔 饰)非常热爱表演,然而其貌不扬的他往往只能够在电影里觅得一个跑龙套的角色,可即便如此,魏成功还是无比认真的对待着自己的每一个甚至连名字都没有的角色,这股子劲头引起了当红女明星米兰(马丽 饰)的注意。 米兰的弟弟米勒(黄才伦 饰)是一名电影导演,黑帮大佬哈维(陈明昊 饰)给他的电影投资了不菲的资金,哪知道亏得底裤都不剩,哈维一直爱慕着米兰,想要娶她为妻,可是米兰誓死不从。这一天,当哈维决定和姐弟两算总账之际,米兰告诉哈维自己认识他一直想要寻找的杀手卡尔(艾伦 饰)。哈维给了米兰一天的时间,让他把卡尔带到自己面前,实际上并不认识卡尔的米兰决定让魏成功来扮演这位冷酷的杀手。
A young couple retreat to a glass house for two weeks of celibate self-improvement but are disturbed by a lost hiker. As the stranger reveals more of himself, their feelings move from pity to revulsion and they must make a decision about what to do with him. But when the crisis is seemingly settled, strange forces compel all three to replay this scenario again.
This incredible fish-out-of-water story follows the adventures of Steve Glew, a small-town Michigan man, who boards a plane for Eastern Europe soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall. His mission is to locate a secret factory that holds the key to the most desired and valuable Pez dispensers. If he succeeds, he will pull his family out of debt and finally be able to quit his job of 25 years. Steve becomes the hero of his own adventure, smuggling the rarest of goods into the U.S. and making millions in the process. It was all magical, until his arch-nemesis, The Pezident decided to destroy him.
海西市郊山上有一个秘密养蛇基地,老板为了追求蛇皮高产,肆意投喂高激素饲料,蛇群逐渐变异……一天,重要客户上门考察,凶残的群蛇逃出牢笼,开始疯狂攻击养蛇基地的人类。基地里的人招架不住蛇群的攻势全部惨死。然而蛇群却并没有满足,它们爬向了养蛇基地外不远处的一所模特空乘女子学校...... 学校正在进行“2021毕业典礼”的筹备,不知自己即将面临危险的学生们,还在进行学校的专业技能大赛。蛇群隐秘的涌入了学校的各个场所,宿舍、澡堂、走廊、模拟机舱……数名女生被群蛇咬伤,尖叫声惊动了整座宿舍楼,女生们纷纷四散而逃。 保安刘超解救了被蛇群困住的空乘专业学生李梦娜,二人想通知全校师生紧急撤离却被校长拦下,校长并不相信真的有什么变异蛇群,执意继续筹备毕业典礼。这时众目睽睽之下,巨型黑蛇把校长一口吞噬。终于,人蛇生存大逃亡正式拉开序幕……
The story of La Maison revolves around 27-year-old Emma, a French woman who heads off to live in Berlin and decides to spend some time in a brothel so as to learn about and understand sex workers – women who are paid to be women and that alone, and who are set to form the focus of her new novel. In gonzo journalism style, Emma becomes one of them and ultimately remains with them for two years, despite only intending to stay for several weeks. Was writing her book simply a pretext for Emma to live out the type of fantasy that’s hard to admit to in our society? From one bedchamber to another and from one woman to the next, the film guides us through a “forbidden” world.