"The One Hundred" tells the story of a young woman who has just returned from a foreign country. She has to stay at a hotel to quarantine, but then suddenly comes across a monster that can change its shape in a variety of ways, according to the individual that this monster possesses. The concept of the story was inspired by the story of Battambang which was told during the reign of King Rama V.
Wulan, a supermarket employee, is abandoned by her irresponsible boyfriend after finding out about her early pregnancy. Wulan needs to take responsibility for herself and her unborn child. Wulan's desperation leads her to “Support Pregnancy” online group that claims as a pro-life volunteer. The group introduces Wulan to the wealthy Santoso family who wanted to adopt her unborn child and takecare of her pregnancy in their house. During her stay, eerie circumstances slowly unfolds as Wulan begins to witness the Santosos’ strange and unusual behaviors with their traditional Javanese occult belief. Little that she knows, the Santoso family has a sinister plan for Wulan and her unborn child.
Sadie is ready for change in life as a worker in a luxury boutique store. One day, Jessica, a socialite, invites Jessica to a nightclub. They become quick friends. A night goes wrong when an after party is held at a man's house Sadie just met when is he is out of town. Someone died and Sadie and Jessica must hide the body. Jessica has a dirty secret to hold over Sadie. The police are piecing clues that lead to Sadie. The people in Sadie's life are put in danger.
Emily is an elementary school teacher in a small rural town. She teaches as a way to fill the void of not being able to have her own children. However, Emily uses this position to push her own agenda forward onto young impressionable minds: white supremacy. As the day unfolds in real time, Emily attends the inaugural club meeting of 'Daughters for Aryan Unity', which she organized. In this meeting, Emily indoctrinates this group of alt-right women and galvanizes them into action. They all decide to continue the meeting at Emily's house over wine. Stopping at the local store to pick up refreshments, an altercation breaks out between two mixed raced Asian sisters and the club.
Realizing that he's the lineal descendant of Gatotkaca from Pandawa family, Satrio must fight his way to unlock the power lies inside him and face Aswatama, the remaining Kurawa warrior who lives on to destroy the world by changing the history of Bharatayudha.
曾以《奇蹟的夏天》获得金马奖最佳纪录片的杨力州,在《爱别离苦》将镜头转向一条在地图上找不到的「菱潭街」,这条巷弄藏着在地復甦的特色小店,小店内也各藏有私密心事:有背负家族而支离破碎的妇女;独立书店的女同伴侣;夫管严的菜摊老板娘;在洗衣店打工的钢琴老师;被迫与儿子分离的年轻妈妈;以及决定居家生产的乐器行孕妇。时光变迁、生命流转,经歷总统大选、共度尾牙新年,日常交织而成的动人故事,在这条街道一一上演。 杨力州以温柔的眼光包覆着眾人的过往伤痕,深入的跟拍访谈,突破一道道情感心防,呈现出各种坚毅的女性自我样貌。银幕上的泪痕,闪烁着人性的温暖微光,潸然之余才深刻体会,原来爱与苦本就一体两面,不曾分离。
从公元前2000年至今的四千多年中,伴随着一场场战争的爆发,中原大地见证了各个朝代的更替。每一场战役都预示了一个旧的时代走向灭亡。战争的云谲波诡,钩心斗角、大智大勇的背后暗藏玄机。伴随着每一场战争,历史给我们留下一个个让人为之震撼与唏嘘的名字。 《古代战场》是一部大型历史文化类系列纪录片,本系列纪录片共20集,选取中国历史上非常具有代表性的战争,从战争发生的背景,人物故事来再现还原真实的战争过程。 本片主要以情景再现的形式,通过实地拍摄、专家采访等方式给大家展现每一场战争中的史实背景与鲜活故事。 第1集 靖康1127:徽宗掌朝 第2集 靖康1127:联金伐辽 第3集 靖康1127:徽宗禅位 第4集 靖康1127:二帝北狩 ……
《猛鬼3宝》结集三个都市猛鬼故事。 《猛鬼监狱》讲述本地灸手可热的影星明乐 (凌文龙 饰),除了因为演出代表正义的“狱中神探”一角闻名,亦是出了名的喜欢饮醉酒开工。一日明乐又饮至醉醺醺才开车往山旮旯的片场拍夜戏,谁知在路上撞死了人!明乐惊慌之下决定肇事逸逃,到达片场后, 他才发觉今晚拍的是一场监狱闹鬼的戏,而和他演对手戏的“女鬼”思思 (钟雪莹 饰) 竟然是…… 《猛鬼工厦》讲述阿君 (苏致豪 饰) 是一名的士司机,他的女朋友乃瑶 (郭奕芯 饰) 一直嫌弃阿君揸的士,阿君为挽回感情,打算和乃瑶去Staycation让她可以在姊妹前炫耀一下,但阿君只够钱订了一间位于工厦内的Party room,令乃瑶生气得正式提出分手。正当乃瑶要一走了之,一阵阴风吹过,自此乃瑶像变了另一个人,对阿君温柔体贴,两人重拾当初激情,在和乃瑶连场激战多个晚上后,阿君日渐憔悴,朋友肥乜 (许贤 饰) 怀疑阿君撞鬼,决定替天行道,和这只专吸阳气的“淫鬼”决一死战。
“EMILY” tells the imagined life of one of the world’s most famous authors, Emily Brontë. The film stars Emma Mackey (“Sex Education”, “Death on the Nile”) as Emily, a rebel and misfit, as she finds her voice and writes the literary classic Wuthering Heights. “EMILY” explores the relationships that inspired her – her raw, passionate sisterhood with Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling – “The Musketeers”) and Anne (Amelia Gething – “The Spanish Princess”); her first aching, forbidden love for Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen – “The Lost Daughter”, “The Haunting of Bly Manor”) and her care for her maverick brother (Fionn Whitehead – “The Duke”, “Dunkirk”) whom she idolises.