When T. J. and Benji, two California twenty-something best buddies, lose their girlfriends, they start a home grown bikini modeling academy to make money and meet new girls. With a little help from T.J.'s Uncle Seymour (Gary Busey), the guys begin recruiting pretty girls, until a rival modeling school owned by their old grade school enemy tries to shut them down.
《舌尖上的中国2》延续了第一部的拍摄模式,是一部探讨中国人与美食的关系的食物纪录片。本片分为八集播出,第一集《脚步》重点讲述了各种美食在不同地域的演变和食物中对中国人“乡愁”情节的一种演绎;第二集《心传》讲解了中国美食文化中的血脉传承和师徒衔接的历史;第三集《时节》讲的 是关于食物与季节演变的关系;第四集《家常》表达了家中的“酸甜苦辣”,是对中国人基本日常食物的解释;第五集《秘境》介绍了一些隐匿山野中不为人知的美味;第六集《相逢》表达了中国人利用食物进行聚会交流的文化氛围;第七集《三餐》回归到最平常的三餐中寻找“味道”;第八集则是此次拍摄的花絮。 本片偏访各地美食,与第一季略有不同的是更多的体现了人物的情感。
A practical joke ends up very wrong in Nigina Sayfullaevas curious youth drama. Two seventeen year old Moscow girls, Olya and Sasha, are visiting Olya's long lost father who lives in Crimea, when they decide to switch places and pretend to be the other person to the father. Little do they know that their joke comes with consequenses that will change their lives forever.
《八月三十一日,我在奥斯陆》的金奖编剧艾斯基佛格,今年首执导演筒长片作品《盲》,一鸣惊人横扫国际各大影展,拿下柏林影展最佳欧洲电影奖、日舞影展世界电影单元最佳剧本奖,以及入围挪威奥斯卡七项大奖。透过独特的叙事结构与影像魅力,捕捉盲眼女主角内心的脆弱与偏执。 最近失明的英格丽 几乎足不出户,尽管失去了视力,但她的心与想像力仍旧清晰而活跃,但恐惧却让她在自己的内在世界,书写出另一个人生剧本。 她时常幻想外出上班的丈夫偷溜回家,观察她在家中的一举一动,或是在网路上认识了一名单亲妈妈,偷偷与她约会;英格丽看见他们在餐厅里谈笑着,突然间,女子失去视力... 而察觉到异样的丈夫不久和女子分手,但她却说自己怀孕了,还挺着大肚子到派对上找他对峙。正当女子一身滑稽的礼服成为众人的笑柄,英格丽仿佛走进自己的幻想世界,化身成穿着礼服的女子和丈夫对峙着...
蒂姆(布兰顿·思怀兹 Brenton Thwaites 饰)和凯丽(凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 饰)背负着灰暗而又沉重的过去,眼睁睁地看着父母在面前悲惨地死去,这成为了姐弟两人记忆中无法痊愈的伤痕。时间飞快地流逝着,然而伤痛却没有因此而淡去,在此期间,蒂姆和凯 丽一直都没有放弃过寻求真相的机会。终于,功夫不负有心人,两人发现,一切惨剧的始作俑者就藏在家中的古董镜子之中。 为了终结悲剧,蒂姆和凯丽返回老家想要将镜子摧毁,令两人没有想到的是,他们的举动却在无意之间成为了打开地狱大门的钥匙。鲜血、恐惧、愤怒、悲哀,在排山倒海而来的回忆之中,他们开始搞不清楚,究竟什么是虚幻,什么是现实。
This comedy follows two codependent East Village, New York girls, Olivia and Nicole, on the verge of eviction and existential crisis. They're struggling artists, living in a Bohemian apartment. Their electricity has been turned off and they've begun an ill-advised juice fast. To top it all off, they're out of money and too "talented" to come up with the rent. To solve their problems they go to L.A. to visit Nicole's wealthy aunt, Kimberley, the host of a popular reality TV talent show. As Kimberley convinces the girls to audition, the girls struggle to maintain their friendship as Olivia begins to realize she may not be as dependent on Nicole as she once believed.
Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this so that she and Kudret will be together. However, she is not prepared for the evil that this spell unleashes.
A fascinating exploration of one of the most significant moments in gothic history - the night when Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and their cohorts gathered together in Lake Geneva to tell ghost stories. The night when Frankenstein and the modern vampire were born. All those involved in the events of the summer of 1816 wrote about their life-changing stay in Switzerland. This dramatised documentary is based on their letters, journals and diaries. The film also draws on British Library manuscripts and archive, and brings together a stellar cast of gothic, horror and science fiction writers, including Neil Gaiman, Charlaine Harris and Margaret Atwood, to discuss why one single night had such a significant impact on our culture.
势津友里(三津谷叶子 饰)和丈夫千纮(斋藤工 饰)一起来到巴厘岛,在那里,千紘的妹妹九美(杉野希妃 饰)即将分娩。因为流露出了想要一直呆在这里的意愿,友里和千紘之间产生了激烈的争吵,愤怒之中,友里独自跑开,人生地不熟的她在稻田里迷了路。 友里邂逅了陌生男子木村,在木村的建议下,两人来到了一间夜总会中,这里狂乱躁动的气息渐渐感染了友里,友里抛开了不愉快的回忆,彻底沉浸在音乐之中。男妓维恩(Cornelio Sunny 饰)被友里的肆意姿态所吸引,但谨慎的友里避开了他。之后,友里意外目睹了木村和当地男子伊克(Hayate Matsuzaki 饰)之间的火爆场面,与此同时,维恩亦来到了友里的身后。
When 13-year-old seminarian Sacramento Santos joins a new order, he hopes to rise through levels of obedience to “Perfect Obedience”. But this progression proves to be more than just a spiritual journey. Sacramento is adopted by the order's founding father, Ángel de la Cruz, and over the course the year they fall in love and surrender to the most intense, blissful, and contradictory episode of their lives. Years later, older and wiser, Sacramento leaves the order regretting that episode, and he decides to seek justice from his old tutor.
伦敦大学的教授斯嘉丽(佩蒂塔·维克斯 Perdita Weeks 饰),年纪轻轻便拥有考古学、符号学等专业学位,更掌握四国语言。她的父亲曾经致力于点金石的探索研究,可悲的是最后死于非命。继承了父亲遗志的斯嘉丽在新近一次冒险中,从伊朗一座即将被炸毁的墓穴里找到了传说中的罗塞秘钥,这个关键发现可以帮她找到点金石的蛛丝马迹。为了实现这个目标,她请来班吉(艾德文·霍德吉 Edwin Hodge 饰)担任摄影记录工作,还拜托曾经与之一同出生入死的乔治(本·费德曼 Ben Feldman 饰)担任翻译。 这几个胆大妄为的年轻人,随后试图闯入埋葬着六百万尸体的巴黎地下墓穴探险,而恐怖的体验也就此展开……
Jatt James Bond is the story of a School Bus Driver – Shinda (Gippy Grewal) who is in love with Lali (Zareen Khan). Shinda is a poor orphan who just has a bunch of friends who are his life. They are played by Gurpreet Ghuggi and Yashpal Sharma. All 3 are having their different set of problems and are finding ways to tackle them. In order to solve their problems collectively, they decide to rob a bank with a hop that they would find the money, which would solve their problems. And the Thrill begins once the bank is robbed.
Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet follows the footballer from his beginnings in Portugal, breakthrough start with Manchester United and current career at Real Madrid.