Hugo Llor, a 12-year-old boy who spends most of his time on the streets. His day is also spent in the shipyards and his dream is to become a shipbuilding craftsman, although his fate is uncertain. Hugo's life is not easy, he is a very lonely boy and his mother is forced to move away from him, but he has the support and protection of a respected old man: Arnau Estanyol.
蕾妮·齐薇格将领衔主演NBC犯罪题材限定剧《关于帕姆的那些事》(The Thing About Pam,暂译),齐薇格同时担任执行制作人。该剧将围绕2011年NBC播报的真实犯罪新闻Betsy Faria谋杀案的背后故事展开,Russ Faria谋杀了妻子Betsy Faria,而这一案件则与美国妇女Pamela Marie Hupp2016年在密苏里州奥法伦市的家中谋杀了Louis Gumpenberger交叉在一起,Hupp被判处无期徒刑。NBC已一次性订购该剧6集。
《创造安娜》围绕一位调查安娜·德尔维一案、迫切想证明自己的记者展开。安娜·德尔维是 Instagram 上传奇的德国女继承人,她赢得了纽约社交圈的欢心,还偷走了他们的金钱。安娜是纽约最大的女骗子,亦或仅仅是美国梦的新写照?在等待自己审讯的同时,安娜和这位记者结成了一种黑暗又有趣、爱恨交织的关系,而后者也在争分夺秒地为纽约市的一个最大疑问寻找答案:谁是安娜·德尔维?该剧的灵感来自《纽约》杂志上杰西卡·普雷斯勒的一篇文章《How Anna Delvey Tricked New York’s Party People》。
Two cousins work through the Atlanta music scene in order to better their lives and the lives of their families. Donald Glover serves as Executive Producer, along with Paul Simms, Dianne McGunigle and Stephen Glover. Atlanta is produced by FX Productions.