特工汉纳威(乔什·哈洛威 Josh Holloway 饰)执行任务时遇害,核机密文件被女杀手莫伦(蕾雅·赛杜 Léa Seydoux 饰)截获。为了找回文件,特工班吉(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)和特工简(宝拉·巴顿 Paula Patton 饰)从俄罗斯监狱救出了伊桑·亨特(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)。他们接受的幽灵协议任务便是从克林姆林宫盗取核军事密码。然而,当他们接近目标时,却发现被恐怖分子亨德里克斯(迈克尔·恩奎斯特 Michael Nyqvist 饰)捷足先登,抢走了核军事密码。在爆炸中,亨特受困医院,遭俄特工的追捕,幸好他身手矫捷,才化险为夷。不过,亨特的上司也在混乱中丧生,只剩下其助手布兰德(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)与亨特死里逃生,加上班吉和简,逼上绝境的四人开始了最后一搏,从迪拜到印度,他们出生入死,与恐怖分子斗智斗勇……
(转自IMDB) Everything returns to normal after Chernobyl. That is, everything but art. Most of the great works are lost, and it is up to people like William Shakespear Junior the Fifth to restore the lost artwork of the human race. He finds strange goings-on at a resort enough to remind him of all the lines of the play, dealing with mob boss Don Learo and his daughter Cordelia, a strange professor named Jean Luc-Godard (sic), who repeatedly xeroxes his hand for no particular reason. He is followed by four humanoid goblins that keep tormenting Cordelia. There is also the gentleman whose girlfriend, Valerie, isn't always visible. Then the film is sent off to New York for Mr. Alien to edit.